A Small Mercy at Children's Hospital

January 7, 2010 Eileen 7 Comments

My four year-old, Cholita is a darling, wonderful girl. She can also be loud and blunt–sometimes bordering on obnoxious. Sometimes she’s way past the border, with her feet firmly planted in Obnoxious Land.
Last year we were in a waiting room that serves several different clinics at a large children’s hospital. It’s the type of place where your heart aches for the hardships some children have to bear, the type of place where you count your blessings. Cholita was sitting at a table, coloring a picture of Barney the Dinosaur, when a little girl of about 4 or 5 sat down across from her. One side of her head showed the face of a beautiful Asian girl. The other side was hugely disfigured. I know Cholita. I know she doesn’t mince words. If she saw her, she’d say something–something innocent but hurtful. I silently prayed that Cholita wouldn’t notice, knowing that she would. Sure enough, she looked up and stared. She squinted her eyes like she was trying to readjust her focus. The girl pulled her hair across the side of her face and looked down at her paper. Cholita leaned over, chest on the table, and peeked up under the girl’s hair. Her mother, seated next to me in an armchair, set the hospital clipboard on her lap and watched. I literally held my breath and prayed. Please don’t hurt this little girl’s feelings.

Cholita settled herself back into her chair and opened her mouth to speak. I moved closer, ready to offer gum. “You want to share my crayons?” she said. The girl nodded and they giggled and passed crayons back and forth. I breathed. The mother smiled, “Looks like you made a friend,” she said to her daughter.

Truly an answer to prayer. A small mercy.

7 responses to “A Small Mercy at Children's Hospital”

  1. Jenny says:

    oh my gosh, that made me cry. What an angel your daughter was for that little girl who needed it, I'm sure. God listens to even the smallest of prayers. Besides, I'm sure that little girl's mom was saying the same exact prayer you were…and you know what they say…"Where two or more are gathered."

  2. Michelle says:

    What a sweetheart, your little Cholita.

  3. TanyaLea says:

    Okay, I'm such a sap…that totally made me cry, too. That's love. A 'Jesus' kind of love… and it shined BRIGHTLY through your precious Cholita when it mattered most! God definitely heard your prayer…and many lives were touched for the positive because of it!! <><

  4. Truly Blessed says:

    Oh my, I'm crying here. That was just beautiful. What a lovely answer to prayer, good job Cholita!

  5. Donna says:

    Very touching! I was on the edge of my seat reading this!

    Our blog: Double Happiness!

  6. Kris says:

    i worry about my girl getting hurt by comments, but we've been lucky so far :O) i know it will happen, but gearing my heart for it is so hard. reading this about your daughter only renews my faith.

  7. mamatree says:

    This is so beautiful! How I pray that my children will learn from Cholita's example.

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