welcome to Nicole

January 6, 2012 cl/cp, Nicole 0 Comments

 I am excited to introduce our newest member of the No Hands But Ours team, Nicole. She is the mom of three, one from China with cleft lip and palate and, well, let me let her tell you herself…

I am so thrilled to be joining the No Hands But Ours guest blogger team!  My name is Nicole and just like you, I wear many hats.  I am a wife to an amazing man who always pushes me to go after my dreams and supports me in every way.  We’ve grown so much together in our faith & life, and I think I’m in love with him more today than I was when we got married 8 years ago!  I am also a mama to 3 special kiddos who are everything to me – 2 biological and 1 recently adopted from China.  Peyton is 6 1/2 and is a smart and caring 1st grader who loves God.  Ryan is 4, an adorably sweet & sensitive little guy who I’ve nicknamed “lovebug.”

Brooklyn is our 19 month old little firecracker who we brought home from China through the special needs program – she had a diagnosed un-repaired cleft lip & palate and undiagnosed physical delays.  She’s been home for 7 months now and has undergone 2 lip repair surgeries and more physical therapy sessions than I can count.  We have a palate repair scheduled for February, and then she has a surgery break for a few years.  Although at that point, speech therapy and possibly occupational therapy will begin.  She’s been through a lot, but has blossomed into a wonderfully spunky, sunshiny, fun baby girl that is so full of life; and we’re completely in love with her!  We feel so blessed that God led us down this path of adoption – although it’s been difficult at times, we have grown and stretched so much and learned to feel a love we didn’t know before.  What an amazing journey!

When I am not doing the wife & mama thing, I am a professional newborn photographer and pretty much adore my “job.”  I have had a few careers during my life but I really think I’ve found my calling with portraiture.  I love to read (although never seem to find enough time) and I also enjoy blogging about our life on my personal blog and am excited to share a little bit of that with the NHBO readers!  I am, by no means, an expert on anything … but I hope and pray that my perspective of Brooklyn’s adoption and special needs will help some of you!

-nicole 🙂

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