Find My Family: Zack

May 12, 2014 Family Found 0 Comments

Update: My Family has found me!

Zack is a very charismatic and outgoing boy who is usually very happy. He is a clear favorite of the nannies at his institute. He has a big personality and had the nannies laughing during one of his visits with us. He is described as being very smart by his caregivers. The first time we met him, he recited a poem for us that was in Classic Chinese from memory (the equivalent of Shakespearean English – with a number of old words that are not in common use). He is currently in school and is described as very bright. Zack especially enjoys music and science. He recently received an award recently for creativity as well as one for his inventions. One of his inventions was a pen with a light so that when the power isn’t available you can continue your work. When asked what he wants to be when he grows up he said an historian. Zack is very friendly and outgoing and he has a lot of friends at school and the orphanage. He is the “host” of his school and hosts many programs at school. He gets along very well with everyone. He enjoys reading and likes to read books in his free time.


Zack is very short for his age and his caregivers believe he has either mucopolysacchardosis IV or spondyloepiphysealdysplasia (both are forms of dwarfism). Zack’s legs are in an X-shape with his knees together. He is able to climb stairs on his own and walk and run. Although his legs are shaped differently and he is short, he insists on doing things himself and is able to take care of his own needs.

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There is a $4000 Promise Child Grant available to families who qualify to assist with the cost of this adoption. Contact WACAP for more information on adopting him.

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