Sadey Joy

September 4, 2015 Family Found 0 Comments

Sadey Joy was given the advocacy name she was because she radiates joy from every one of her pictures. Sadey Joy was born in approximately February 2013. She was found in front of the local community hospital at the age of approximately 18 months old. Sadey Joy was found to be underweight and was diagnosed with a visual defect known as Peters Anomaly of the eyes. Sadey Joy cannot “see clearly” according to her file, but she can absolutely see light and dark and shapes. She picks up small objects with her thumb and forefinger slowly, because she has to get close to see them, but she is able to do it. This is a wonderful indicator of Sadey Joy’s visual capabilities.

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Sadey Joy’s development was found to be normal at the time of admission. She could crawl, stand while holding onto something for approximately ten minutes. Sadey Joy can ask for a hug and put on some of her own clothing. She loves to play outside. She likes cartoons and eating noodles. She seems like an average, and amazing, toddler.

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Sadey Joy is living with a foster family currently. They report she sleeps well and is adaptable to new people and situations. She shows love willingly and is obviously well cared for as evidenced by her continued growth and development. It’s our hope Sadey Joy’s family finds her very soon!

Sadey Joy has a $4,000 grant for eligible families through WACAP. If you would like more information on Sadey Joy, you can email WACAP.

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