Urgent Aging Out Child: Victoria

September 20, 2016 Family Found 0 Comments

Sweet 13-year-old Victoria was found at the age of three, but just now had an adoption file prepared. She is now available to be adopted thanks to a new orphanage partnership with Madison Adoption Associates. Victoria is a Hep B carrier, but is otherwise healthy. She has just under 7 months to find a family and for them to get to China before her 14th birthday or she will age out and it will be forever too late.


The staff at the orphanage say that Victoria is active, bright, smart, positive, and optimistic. She is good at social communication and is enthusiastic and polite to others. Her innovative thought is relatively good. Like all teens, Victoria can be obstinate sometimes and needs to be guided patiently. She attends school, where she is learning and excelling in Chinese, math, English, art, music, astronomy and dance. Her grade is above the upper level in her class, usually falling between 80-90. She graduated elementary school and is now in middle school this year. Her Chinese, math and English grades were all above 90. Victoria likes English very much and she said that she would do her best to learn English well. Victoria once introduced herself fluently in English in a social organization she participates in. She also communicates friendly with foreigners.


Victoria is also interested in scientific knowledge. She made a large-scale plane, telescope, telephone, and airship with help and guidance. She was awarded for having a “good research group” and as a “small environmental guard.” She also got the second award of “scientific product” and the first award of “scientific paper plane.” In school, she gets along well with her classmates and honors her teachers. The teachers evaluate her high and have no doubt she will be able to go to college one day if she finds a forever family.


Victoria is a star in her school and is praised everywhere she goes. She participates in all activities she can and rehearses hard. When it comes to performance, she is able to do well. She says that she can improve herself through activities and she also thanks the teachers who cultivate her. At the same time, she is a good assistant to the teachers. She often helps the teachers. Her personality of being eager to help others is welcomed by others. She is considered the “manager” in her class and has good management ability. Victoria has a thankful heart. She is thankful for everything she owns and she loves her big family at the orphanage. She loves everyone who cares for her. At the same time, she is eager to have a warm, healthy and complete home and parents who love her. She is willing and wants to be adopted by a family! Our in China team has nothing but good things to say about her and are anxiously hoping for great news for her to find her forever family soon!


There is a $5,000 Bright Futures agency grant with Madison Adoption Associates for Victoria’s adoption. Other grants may be available based on the adoptive family’s circumstances. Agency grants are awarded as agency fee reductions. MAA also partners with the Brittany’s Hope Foundation for matching grants, which are given out twice a year (January and July) and to families that already are matched with a child. Brittany’s Hope funds are awarded after travel.

If you are interested in reviewing Victoria’s file or in adopting Victoria, please fill out a free PAP Waiting Child Review Form.

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