Child Who Waits: Zachary

December 28, 2016 Family Found 2 Comments

This huggable little guy is Zachary! He looks like he’s ready to be scooped up in your arms, full of giggles!

Zachary was born in August of 2013. His file was prepared 11/2015 so this information is a year old. He has congenital heart disease, with details in his file. He was admitted to the welfare institute at about 2 weeks old. He was thin and small but had a good appetite and had a strong suck. This little guy had a rough time for his first winter and was hospitalized with pneumonia twice.

At one year of age, he could babble, smiled readily, was strong enough to cry, but often got sick. His appetite was good and ate many foods. He could sit in the walker and follow the caretaker around the room. He likes to play with other children and with bright toys, is obedient and cute, and beloved by the caretakers!

He listens to their words carefully and occasionally will nod sensibly. At age 2, he is a little introverted and gets along well with others. He is timid around strangers at first. He says several words, such as “jie jie” (big sister), “ayi” (aunt), and “mama.” He understands the caretaker’s words well and likes to listen to songs. He can walk and jog. He usually likes to play with his toys alone and not share his favorite ones!

He can use his fingers deftly to pick up small things, as well as hold a pen and scribble. He can cover a bottle with the cap and knows big and small. He is cooperative when getting dressed and can point to body parts when asked. He loves to play outside and his favorite toys are balls and cars.

Zachary is an adorable little guy who is ready for his family to find him! His file is assigned to BAAS. Please contact Xiaoqing Cai for more information om reviewing Zachary’s file, requesting updated information, or pursuing his adoption.

2 responses to “Child Who Waits: Zachary”

  1. Dianne Nicholson says:

    He is precious! !

  2. Kim M. says:

    Is this sweet boy still waiting?

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