Find My Family: Davie

July 8, 2017 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Davie’s teachers all like him. Born in February 2007, he’s described as an active child who respects his teachers and has the type of personality that unites his classmates.

When Davie was about a year and a half old, he started learning to walk. At two years old, Davie would watch TV and dance around with joy, but would do so quietly, and when caregivers called him from behind, he wouldn’t turn around to respond. He was taken for a hearing test and caregivers learned that he had a hearing disorder.

At three years old, they started giving him specialized speech therapy for deaf children. His nannies reported he was very clever and he quickly learned simple communicative gestures. Overall, they state they saw a great improvement in his abilities to take care of his daily needs.

In 2014, he started boarding at the Deaf children’s school and he worked hard at school. He even won an award at the school for his accomplishments. In July 2016, his caregivers said he can work and finish his homework all on his own, and that his academic performance has seen a great improvement.

Davie’s file is currently with WACAP. He has a $4,000 grant available for qualified families. For more information, please email

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