Waiting for You: Hanna

January 22, 2018 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Hanna, female, born in November of 2014 was admitted into the CWI when she was one day old. Her special needs are epilepsy, delayed intelligence development and cross-eye.

In order to help Hanna’s motor skill development, the children’s institute drew a plan to provide physical therapy for Hanna in July of 2015. In February of 2016, they also provided her with cognitive and language training. Hanna was cooperative throughout the training session. Hanna made much progress after the training. She can now complete the change of positions to the others comfortably and change from sitting position to standing position. She can walk while holding on hand of her caregiver.

Update January 2017:

Hanna has made progress in all areas. She can walk independently for a few steps. She is timid and dependent so she is not willing to walk on her own. She can walk while holding onto the caregiver’s hand or a walker. She has made progress with her language and can say sentences with four to five words in them. She can express her needs and can initiate the greeting and call Ma Ma, Ahyi, Ye Ye, Nai Nai etc. She can distinguish the names of the caregivers in her class. She can also say the simple names on her own. There is no problem of her upper limbs. Her hands movement abilities and fine motor skill with her fingers are good. The teachers at the recovery center put the shoe pad inside her shoes to correct her gait. Now her gait has improved a lot when walking. Because it is winter right now, we have not started potty-train her yet so she still uses diapers. Also all the caregivers adore Hanna which resulted in her being stubborn and impatient when she doesn’t get her way.

Update November 2017:

Hanna had a seizure in the morning of November 11, 2017 which lasted for 10 minutes. This was the first seizure she ever had since she was admitted into the Children’s Welfare Institute. The orphanage staff sent her to the hospital and had an EEG and MRI tests. The EEG test showed that she has epilepsy and the MRI test result was: Considering Sequela change of PVL. After she was diagnosed with epilepsy she has been given medication. The seizure she had on November 11 2017 was the only seizure she has had so far.

Hanna is still waiting for her forever family and is listed with BAAS. She is a sweet and bright child. Interested families can contact Xiaoqing.

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