I am going to try and help you under something that may SEEM a bit odd, but I am finding it occurs more and more these days and before you get knocked over w/ the EMOTION of it perhaps I can make you aware of it, so that is can be ignored …
One of the many blessings of parenting a sweet SN angel is the sisterhood of amazing mothers, grand-mothers, aunts, and siblings that I have met along the way that understand my life and have given so much encouragement and prayer … There is an instant connection of the heart because of the journey we are on together … Let’s be honest —many days and nights are BEYOND hard … Healing a child whether physical or emotional can be draining on a family emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially, yet there is NOTHING we would trade for this journey we are on … We see GOD so much clearer in everyday life … We see HIM in the big and small things of our day … We bask in HIS mighty arms when we are at therapy, at the hospital, up in the middle of the night, etc … HE is our anchor !!!
So here is the kicker and the thing to be IGNORED or JUST LET IT ROLL OFF YOUR SHOULDER … When someone who hasn’t parented a sweet SN angel, but wants to give you unsolicited advice just fall into your place of grace … Or when someone says they were going to adopt SN, but God gave them (what the world would call) a healthy child instead and they want to give you advice then just keep on walking to your place of grace … The INTENT to do something and the ACTION of doing it is two different things … I want you to know that when people are looking into your life and they think they understand (WHEN THEY DON’T) then you just need to ignore it and keep on going … You are strong and equipped w/ the LORD and don’t ever let their second guesses or their advice distract you from the JOY of your life … You may feel like you are on display at times and that gives people the right to GIVE THEIR 2 cents worth, but I disagree and I feel like it is becoming somewhat of an epidemic in adoption circles … Ignoring it and not feeding into the drama of it is the best way to move on and not let it creep into your heart … It can sometimes make us feel inadequate or like we aren’t doing all we can, but in reality HEALING takes time and when people are looking in they are measuring most of your life by the WORLD’s standards and that is no way to go about the journey … YOU ARE YOUR CHILD’S BIGGEST CHEERLEADER – so don’t ever let anyone coax you into traveling this road any other way, but with the Lord ..
The need for people to want to help you FIX your child is a natural instinct and most mean well, but you may need to politely let them know the best help they can give is by praying for your family … ALL of our children are fearfully and wonderfully made by the LORD and no matter what their unique make-up or life experiences up until they joined your family they are PERFECT in the sight of the LORD … And the journey to HEALING is a GOD journey, but the journey of FIXING is a worldly journey …
So not matter what the intentions (whether kind or nosey) from others just pull out your GRACE and keep on GLOWING AND GLORIFYING in the LORD !!!
Blessings !!!
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