Now What?

September 15, 2012 Diana, tethered cord, thalassemia 3 Comments

Over the last seven years I have been in some stage of the adoption process. Dossier paperwork, waiting for approvals, stalking RQ, following blogs, doing home study visits, etc. You get the picture. Bringing my girls home became a full time job (obsession) for me! Some of us may call it the nesting period while you wait. Regardless of what we call it, it was a special time. Full of highs and lows, but filled with so many amazing blessings. Three trips to China in five years! Incredible!

August 8th we celebrated our one-year “Gotcha” day with our baby girl, Emme Jade.

We had our last Home Study visit in July to finalize our commitments to China!

In my heart I feel confident that our family is complete. I am realistic to know my limits, and I think I am there. But, I also know that if God called us back again we would be obedient. But, for now, I sense He is telling us to do our very best to manage the mayhem we have been blessed with. I am not sure how I feel. Part of me is relieved. The other part of me will miss the anticipation of adding another child to our family through adoption! And, mostly that incredible moment when a child I have waited so long for walks in to my life and leaves their tiny hand prints on my heart forever!

I can’t help but wonder, what’s next? Adoption is what I know. Perhaps it’s time for me to “obsess” over the day to day that is calling me now: The house, the laundry, the meals, the homework, their activities. It’s a new season for me! Three in school all day, and one gone four mornings a week! WOW. What should I do with that extra time in my day? I am excited to have more time and energy to do what God is calling me to do now. I think I have come to the conclusion that God is calling me to focus on the blessings that are in my care! And to do it joyfully, and to do it well! So with a renewed hope, and an acceptance that my next trips to China will most likely just to be to visit, I will move forward! My toe will always be in the Yangtze River… My work at Pearl River Outreach blesses me in that way! I will never stop following, celebrating, and loving the precious children of China.  Especially, the ones who wait!

Whatever your adoption stories, I hope today you feel amazingly blessed to be a part of this very special journey!

3 responses to “Now What?”

  1. Kayla says:

    I really relate to this. We will be traveling to China in a few weeks to complete our third international adoption in 6 years. Because our first two were from Haiti and took so long, I have spent 52 out of the last 72 months waiting for a child. In that same time frame, we have also lost two of our parents and 3 grandparents, one of whom we were the go to person for. I have found myself just wondering if I even know what normal feels like, if perhaps I am a bit addicted to the crazy, if I have any idea of how to live a simpler life. It is just an odd feeling, to not be waiting for a child.

  2. Stefanie says:

    Love your heart, Diana! I can so relate to this, we feel like we are done, yet China has (and always will have) such a big part of our hearts.
    Blessings to you, sweet friend, as you move forward in His plan for your beautiful family 🙂

  3. April says:

    I always enjoy your writing and reflection, Diana. Thank you.

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