Update: All of the girls in this post have been matched!
BAAS has a new orphanage partnership in the Sichuan province. This orphanage has never before been open for International Adoption and has many beautiful children available for adoption. BAAS is committed to finding families for these adorable, bright, articulate, communicative, and happy children.
Contact BAAS for more information on any of these children.
Alesia is a spunky little three year old with post-operative anal atresia. She is funny, happy and smart. She is one of the youngest in the group and gets a lot of attention from the caregivers and the older children. Watch this super sweet video of her.
Anna is a precious seven month old baby girl. She was born prematurely, is developmentally delayed and may possibly have cerebral palsy. Here is her sweet video.
Crimson is a gorgeous six year old with a few delays. Watch this video of her showing off her personality. Crimson sang a lovely song and recited a Tang Dynasty poem for the BAAS staff. She is very friendly and many children told count her as their best friend.
Michael is a sweet and smiley five year old boy who answers questions articulately. He is able to recite Tang Dynasty poems clearly. His special need is Spina Bifida Occulta. Watch his priceless video.
Roman is a sweet 7 year old boy with a gorgeous smile. His special need is Congenital Heart Disease. He is a very active boy who volunteers to answer most of the questions and lead the songs. He is confident and believes that he can do anything. He is very friendly. See him shine in his video.
Stephanie is a beautiful three year old with cleft lip and palate. She is described as quiet and shy. The caregivers say that she is smart and understands a lot. Be warned, this video will melt your heart.
Hello – I was wondering if you have more exact ages for Alesia and Stephanie. We are possibly looking for a child that would be between our 3 and 4.5 year old. We don’t want to disrupt the birth order.
Please contact BAAS for their exact ages. Thank you!