Update: My family has found me!
Jonah is just 3 years old and is a very smart little fellow. His motor skills are age appropriate and he has good eye-hand coordination. He can communicate using sentences made up of 5-10 words, but is still working on expressing his needs verbally. He often uses actions in order to get his needs recognized and can be pretty obstinate if those needs are not met! Jonah is independent, active, loves to laugh, and gets along well with staff and peers. Playing outside is his favorite activity, especially if he can play with his cars! Occasionally he can be possessive of his favorite items. Although not a big fan of meat, he does like eggs and has a good appetite.
Jonah has a very manageable, sensitive special need for which he will need medical care. You can read more about Jonah here.
Currently, Jonah’s file is with WACAP. For more information on Jonah, please email the NHBO Advocacy Team or contact WACAP.
Praying for Jonah with all my heart!!!