waiting child highlight: boys with hemophilia

October 18, 2014 Family Found 3 Comments

If you know someone considering a boy, share with them these precious faces. Each of these boys has hemophilia, which is so manageable in the United States. Right now, these boys’ access to treatment varies, depending on their location. But, once they age out, they will have little to no access to treatment at all. And, without treatment, they are looking at serious joint damage, pain, immobility, and much shorter lives. The average lifespan for someone with severe hemophilia without treatment is only 24 years. But, with the care these boys would receive in the US, they would live long, full, happy, active lives. Please consider adding one of these precious faces to your family. If you have questions about parenting a child with hemophilia, I would be happy to talk with you and connect you with other moms of boys with hemophilia.

Visit this page for more information on hemophilia, and adopting children with hemophilia.

Landon is on the Shared List and is 12 years old, so he doesn’t have much time left to find a family. Landon has been with a foster family. He is helpful at home with household chores, makes his bed, and helps with younger siblings. He is polite, is bright in school, respects his teachers, and enjoys playing games with other children, singing, and playing ball. He cannot engage in rough activities or sports because of his condition.

Updated Photo Landon

Will is on the Shared List and is 9 years old. He was with a foster family but returned to the SWI in 2010 so that he could attend school, where he excels. Will receives infusions of clotting factor twice per week, and he is doing well. He also has a grant on Reece’s Rainbow.


Zack is on the Shared List and is 9 years old. He has been with a foster family and is described as shy with strangers, but he will warm up to you if teased. He loves to listen to music and read books; he is energetic, and clever.

Updated Photos - Zack

Ryan is on the Shared List and is 9 years old. He is active and open, fond of playing interactive games with other kids. He is very clever, can respond quickly to teachers’ questions and is obedient in class. He likes doing some handcrafts, and teachers all like him. In his foster family Ryan looks after 2 sisters and helps his foster granny. He has good self care abilities and would be a wonderful son.

Quincy is 7 years old and is listed with Great Wall. He is a happy boy, talkative and social, who likes to play with his friends. Quincy enjoys music, singing, and playing outside.


For more information on any of these boys or about adopting a child with hemophilia, contact Kelly, a hemophilia mentor mom.

3 responses to “waiting child highlight: boys with hemophilia”

  1. staci secker says:

    how can I get more info on these younger boys?

    • Kelly says:


      Send me an email (see contact link above), and I will connect you to adoption folks who are advocating for these boys and can share information! If you have questions about life with hemophilia, let me know! I’d be glad to talk with you.


  2. chandelle says:

    Hello can you please send me info on how to adopt
    We live in Australia and i have 2 boys with hemophilia and my heart breaks for these boys

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