What’s it Like to Have a Daddy?

June 15, 2015 Jean 0 Comments

Me: Hey kids, since Father’s Day is in June, I want to ask you a couple of questions about what it’s like to have a Daddy!

Kids: Okay! (they all gather around)

Me: First of all, how do you like having a Daddy?

Kids all together: I like it! I like it a lot! Me, too!

Celia the cat: Meeooow!


Me: Can you tell me what Daddies do?

Sam: They make dinner! (I love that about my hubby! Thanks Honey!)

Ellie, Abby and Anna: He loves us!

Sarah: He pays for the house!

Sarah, Ava and Anna: He listens to us!

Madeline (with a smirk): He’s handsome!

Sarah, Ellie and everyone else joins in and agrees: He’s kind, very, very kind!

Ellie: He buys us clothes!

Mia: He brings us to get donuts on Saturday!

Me: What is your favorite thing to do with your Daddy?

All of the kids: Go get donuts on Saturday morning!

Mia: Go grocery shopping with Daddy!

Anna, Ava and Sam: I like to talk to him. Yay, he really listens good!

Me: What is something else you’d like to do with your Daddy?

Sam: Go fishing more often.

Luke: Keep going to get donuts!

Madeline: I want to help him more.


Me: When you were in China, you didn’t have a Daddy. What did you think about Daddies when you were in China?

Sarah: I didn’t know there were Daddies.

Sarah: Once I knew there were Daddies, I wanted one.

Everyone chimed in: I wanted one, too… I wanted one, too! (Oh my goodness, sweet children, God bless you all!)


Me: Once you met Dad, what did you think?

Anna: I was afraid of him. (Yes, Anna you were afraid of him and your Momma held you the whole time while we were in China! But once we got home, you adored your Daddy!)

Ben and Sam: I thought he was very nice.

Ellie: I didn’t know who he was?

Sarah: I thought Matt (our oldest son) and Katie (our oldest daughter) were the parents! I thought you and dad were the grandparents! (Smile, love the honesty!)


Me: Daddies are so so special! What would it be like if your Daddy wasn’t with us?

Abby: It wouldn’t be fun.

Anna: I’d be sad.

Sarah: We couldn’t homeschool because you would have to go to work.

Sam: We would have to have spaghetti every night… (Yes, when our Daddy is gone for the evening, I fix spaghetti… Okay, okay, I’m not good at cooking dinner. I admit it!)

Dear Daddies, you are so important, so valued and so loved! Thank you for stepping out in faith and adopting a child that needed a Daddy!

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