Neil Waits for a Family

February 14, 2016 Family Found 1 Comments

Meet gorgeous 21 month old, Neil!


Neil is newly listed with Madison Adoption Associates via an orphanage partnership. MAA staff were able to meet him in November. Neil is described as docile and adorable. He will immediately raise his head or turn around when being called and he likes to smile and wave his hands to greet to people. He knows his name and the nannies he is familiar with. At the time his file was prepared, Neil could stand up by holding onto a rail and could slowly sit down when he was tired of standing. He was able to walk with support, but not independently. Neil is able to hold his own cup or bottle. When Madison staff met him, he was babbling, but not speaking. He does have some developmental delays.


Neil is diagnosed as having slightly decreased white matter- all other parts of the CT scan were normal. His orphanage staff feels that this does not affect him. He also had a bout of pneumonia and is diagnosed as having pulmonary disease. His file mentions many tests, including the possibility of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Having the file reviewed by a pulmonary specialist would likely be very helpful!

Watch his VIDEO, Password: Adoptmaa

There is a $2,000 agency grant for Neil’s adoption with MAA. Other grants may be available based on the adoptive family’s circumstances. Agency grants are awarded as agency fee reductions. MAA also partners with the Brittany’s Hope Foundation for matching grants, which are given out twice a year and to families that already have their letter of approval from China.

If you are interested in reviewing Neil’s file or in adopting Neil, please fill out a free Waiting Child Review Form.

One response to “Neil Waits for a Family”

  1. Ashley says:

    I just wanted to say thank you for advocating for this precious boy….my son <3 It was on your facebook page where I first saw him, and although we had not planned on starting the process to adopt from China until fall, I *instantly* knew he was our son. We have PA for him and are working furiously to get our dossier together. Thanks for everything you do for these wonderful children! My family wouldn't be the same without you 🙂

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