Urgent Medical Waiting Child: Oscar

February 26, 2016 Family Found 1 Comments

Oscar is an energetic, smart, and sweet 10 year old boy who is waiting for a family. He has been waiting since he was almost 5 years old, and has bounced around from agency to agency in the past several years. An adoption coordinator who has met hundreds and hundreds of kids over the years has said that Oscar stood out to her as a special boy who would do great in a family, one of her favorites… yet still he waits.

Oscar has Beta Thalassemia and receives blood transfusions every 8 weeks. Once home, he would most likely need transfusions on a monthly basis. Adoption is life-saving for him, and other children with transfusion-dependent thalassemia, as the life expectancy is in the 20s for those who are not adopted and therefore cannot receive proper care. In the US, Oscar would be able to get excellent and life-changing care and should life a long and fulfilling life.

Oscar lives with a foster family in southern China, and is a happy and resilient boy who loves life!


Oscar was recently hosted in the US in December and January of 2015-16. He stayed for a month with a family who has younger children. His host mom had wonderful things to say about him and what a blessing it was for them to bring him into their family for that time. This is what his host mom had to say about him:

“He wakes up happy every. single. morning. I wake up to his bright eyes and big smile peering at me from the side of the bed. As soon as he sees my eyes open, it’s “Good Morning, Mother!” I am not a morning person and he has figured out, it’s our family’s “thing” is to snuggle in bed before starting the day. He doesn’t realize it’s because I am not ready to start the day at full speed yet. He also wakes up ravenously hungry. every. single. day. Cheerios have been a lifesaver for this non-morning mama. Then, he starts our daily bantering of how many eggs he gets to eat for breakfast and tries to pull a fast one on me and get me to say he can have coffee.


He is smart. We haven’t had a translator app that works for him to use (he might be speaking unclearly or a mix of Cantonese and Mandarin). But he has very much managed to communicate his needs and desires. Each day he has added English words to his speech and countless ones to his understanding. He’s a little parrot and can just about perfectly repeat any English word or phrase we tell him. He’s also given away that he understands a few, often used phrases by using them on our children…He is incredibly curious and I have loved watching him figure out and learn new things. He will do a whole book of mazes or master a math game on the tablet in one sitting.


He is incredibly ticklish. His giggle is so contagious. He loves to sing and be sung to. He is persistent and will work and ask questions (do hand motions) to solve something his mind is puzzling over. I couldn’t believe how fast he was able to get one side of a Rubik’s cube one color- he’s been working on figuring out how to get the other sides done. He enjoys games, though rules and counting spaces have sometimes been a bit sketchy! He is mischievous, goofy and fun loving.


He has a servant’s heart and delights in helping others. He has insisted on carrying grocery bags, helped with laundry, vacuumed, helped cook, done dishes, raked and bagged leaves and more with such a sweet, happy heart.
He likes lego’s, mazes, word searches, bike riding, building train tracks, Bugs Bunny and Oscar’s Oasis.


He is also, a little boy who needs a Daddy and Mommy of his own. I cannot imagine being 10 and going to a new country and living with strangers in a strange culture, who spoke a language I didn’t understand. But he has done this and his bravery challenges me. Yes, there have been a few tears and hesitations. He sleeps on the floor on my side of the bed and sometimes he calls out for “mama” or “mother” in the night. He needed to sit on my lap, when they did his blood draw. He laid still and didn’t make a sound at the dentist, even though I could feel him trembling as he held my hand. He has come to me looking for a needed hug or a “good job!” This isn’t something that he needs for just a month of hosting. This type of love, comfort, support and encouragement is something he needs for a lifetime. He will flourish in a loving family of his own. Will it be your family?”

Videos from 2014:

Oscar’s file is currently listed with Great Wall Adoptions as “Quentin”. You can request his file by contacting them. There are many resources available to learn more about Thalassemia and a very supportive community of those who have adopted children with Thalassemia.

One response to “Urgent Medical Waiting Child: Oscar”

  1. Deb Metz says:

    Has Oscar “Quentin”found parents?

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