Waiting Children: Holden and Arlo

June 28, 2016 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Holden is almost 3 years old and has a sweet smile. He is described as full of energy & ticklish. He has repaired cleft lip and palate and his file notes that his development is behind other children his age. As of Dec 2015 when his file was prepared he was able to sit up for brief periods of time and was not yet walking. He is able to stand and take a few steps while sitting in a walker. Referral videos are available.


Arlo is a sweet little boy who is diagnosed with Down Syndrome. He is almost 5 years old. His caretakers describe him as lovely, a little shy, but full of energy. Arlo can pick his favorite toys to play with, can turn pages in a book, and can imitate sounds. We have new photos and a video of Arlo on file.


Both of these boys are from one of AWAA orphanage partnerships and their files are designated by the CCCWA as special focus files, so a family or a single woman at any stage of the process or just beginning the process is eligible to review these files.

America World has had assessment teams at this orphanage. A family reviewing his file will be able to connect with individuals who have been to his orphanage and who may have additional information about these children and the orphanage. If you would like to learn more about how to make Holden or Arlo a part of your family, please contact AWAA.

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