Waiting to be Chosen: Lana and Josiah

July 19, 2016 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Meet little Lana.

Lana is a precious 15 month old little girl who loves to smile. Lana’s special need is Down syndrome and congenital heart disease. The Chinese name that was chosen for this sweet girl means beautiful and smart — she has definitely lived up to her name.

She is described as gentle, very adorable, and having rosy cheeks. She likes to listen to music and play with colorful toys that make noise.


At 2 months old Lana could smile and visually follow objects. Just two months later she was able to raise and turn her head when lying on her stomach, smile directly at her caregiver, look for the source when she heard a sound, and laugh when she was teased.

By 9 months old Lana was able to turn over, grasp toys tightly, recognize her caregiver, could sit alone, and looks if you call her name. When Lana’s file was completed a few months ago they stated that she had good physical growth and development.


You can view a video of Lana here (password is lana1) and here (password is lana2).

Please keep in mind that several families may be reviewing this child’s file at one time. At any given time, this child’s file can go on hold or be taken back to the Shared List by the CCCWA. Please contact Meagan Smith at Lifeline for more information.


Meet handsome Josiah.

Adorable Josiah is a 16 month old little boy who is described as active, quiet, and smiley. Josiah’s special need is Down syndrome, congenital heart disease: VSD, and pulmonary arterial hypertension.


When Josiah first came into the orphanage he liked to be help by his caregiver and loved when they would look into his eyes and talk with him. At 4 months old he liked to have his caregiver call his name, he would stare at this caregiver and laugh when he was teased, and could grasp toys.

By 11 months old he could turn over, grasp and shake toys, and kick his legs and remove his socks. He can also raise up on his hands when laying on his stomach, can visually follow a moving object, can sit with support, and hold a bottle to drink milk.

Josiah loves to interact with his caregivers. He often will look happily at his caregivers and copy their facial expressions. He likes to be held so that he can look at himself in the mirror and smile at his reflection. He enjoys playing peek-a-boo and will now respond by looking when someone calls his name. Sometimes on days with good weather Josiah’s caregiver will take him outside into the garden to bask in the sun.


You can view a video of Josiah here and here; password is Josiah.

Please keep in mind that several families may be reviewing this child’s file at one time. At any given time, this child’s file can go on hold or be taken back to the Shared List by the CCCWA. Please contact Meagan Smith at Lifeline for more information.

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