
November 3, 2016 Rebecca 16 Comments

You, my child, were adopted.
You have a birth family.
You have a forever family.
You have two, both very real, lines of genealogy.
You have two countries to call home.



You were designed on purpose, long before your birth, by a loving Creator.
Your name has been written in the palm of His hand since the beginning of time.
Your birth into your biological family was a miracle.
You had a family. A mother, a father, a grandmother, a grandfather and many others who had the same eyes, same hair.
Your story turned a hard corner, for reasons we’ll never know or understand.
You were far too little to make sense of it all.
You lost ties bound by blood, physical features and DNA.
You had to wait for your forever.
You had heart needs and body needs.
You had scars.
You had fight, spunk, and a warrior’s spirit.
You were braver than we’ll ever know.
You were in-between lives, cared for by nannies and nurses.
You slept in a crib in a sea of cribs.
You were loved, protected and seen by your Father in heaven.
You were never alone.



You were knit together in one mother’s womb and then knit into this mother’s heart.
Your rebirth into a forever family was a miracle in a line of miracles.
You were chosen.
You were pursued.
You were fought for.
You were dreamed of.
You were prayed over.
You were longed for.
You were a gift.
You gained ties bound by the heart.
You found your forever.
You became a son.
You became a daughter.
You have a family. A mother, a father, a grandmother, a grandfather and many others who share your name, your breakfast table, your days and your nights.
You are a part of us and us part of you.
You belong.
You are entitled to all that is ours.
You are safe.
You sleep in a bed in a home full of people who love you.
You have a redemption story that is deep and wide and unfolding still yet.



You have blessed us.
You have changed us.
You have beautifully reimaged the canvas of our family.
You have illustrated for us our adoption as sons and daughters of a holy Father.
You have stirred the hearts of other families for adoption.



You have a hope and a future.
You have adventures yet to be written.
You are a child of God, set apart for great work.
You are loved. Forever.

16 responses to “Adopted”

  1. Eva Harp says:


  2. Meredith says:

    Just beautiful.

  3. Jane says:

    Love this! Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing your ❤️

  4. Courtney Kelly says:

    Oh my heart! I love your words every day, but your words about adoption and His plan are my favorite. Love you friend!

  5. Janie says:

    Love every word and phrase, though it hurts my heart.

  6. Erin Sakryd says:

    Such beautiful words. I want to frame this and put it in Hanna’s room. I need to pray this over her every day. Thank you for writing down all that so many of think but can’t put the words together in the right way.

  7. Cheryl says:

    Beautiful truths. We adopted in USA, but our children also are very special.

  8. Heather says:

    Perfectly said. A copy will go in each of my kids life books.

  9. Karen says:

    I would like to print this somehow and have it displayed in our home. It is the most beautiful, succinct piece on adoption that I’ve read. May I? I will credit you, of course, with month and year. Did you write in this November?

  10. Joanna says:

    God has blessed you with the ability to write in a way that beautifully exposes your heart and soul.

  11. Sue Velardi says:

    Once again I read what you write in awe of your wonderful gift. Your words speak volumes.

  12. Kim says:

    You have me in tears – at work. Beautifully said.

  13. Mary Adair says:

    That’s perfect!! Very well said. thank you!

  14. Janet says:

    Beautiful. And so accurate. Thank you.

  15. Jami says:

    Thank you for sharing your heart- always.


  16. Carrie McKean says:

    Beautiful. Always beautiful.

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