This is what I know…
I know that time doesn’t heal all wounds.
I know that, sometimes, intentionally seeking out help is necessary.
I know looking different isn’t a bad thing.
I know that hearing a word of encouragement has more impact than I dreamed it could.
I know adoption can be hard.
I know adoption is a gift.
I know adoption isn’t for everyone.
I know caring for the orphan is sometimes hard, is always a gift, and is for everyone.
I know I can do things I never thought I could.
I know walking in obedience means being depending on God.
I know that He equips as He calls, and never leaves us stranded.
I know His mercies aren’t just new every morning, they are also fresh every hour and minute of every day.
I know safety isn’t to be taken for granted.
I know that taking two steps forward and three steps back is okay.
I know attachment doesn’t come easy for everyone.
I know siblings can struggle with transitions, too.
I know I am stronger for having walked this path.
I know I am wrecked by the faces of those who still need a family.
I know there are children who will never know the love of a family.
I know that we all have more to give than we realize we do.
I know when we said yes, we agreed to a lifetime of being different.
I know some will never understand why we can never say “never again”.
I know the truth is something not everyone will want to hear.
I know I am unequivocally different now than I was before.
I know that every fiber of me has been altered.
I love more.
I listen more.
I have more compassion.
I judge less.
I worry less.
I complain less.
I know I was made for this.
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