Waiting to be Chosen: Libby

April 20, 2017 Family Found 0 Comments

Libby (born January 2015) is a cheerful little girl who loves to play outside in the sun, and go to the supermarket. She laughs out loud when amused, and loves listening to music; she has learned how to twist the volume on the radio. She is currently listed with WACAP.

In March 2016 she was sent to live with a foster family to get better care, and she quickly attached to her foster mom. When she wanted to cuddle she would stretch her hands out to her foster mom. She loves to be with her foster mom, and cries if she has to leave. Libby is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Since she was so close to her foster mom, the orphanage would do rehabilitation training with Libby and her foster mom together. At 12 months old, her right arm was stiff, but she could sit for a short time propping herself up with her hands. After six months, she could sit on her own for a moment, and walk around in the baby walker. She was able to pass a toy from one hand to the other, but her hands were still stiff and she had some trouble grasping. She turned in response to her name, but only if her foster family called her.

In October 2016 she could sit on her own, and stand with her hands holding onto support. When she is on the bed she can get up, and isn’t afraid of falling! If someone is holding onto her she wants to take steps and practice walking. Her hands have become more coordinated and can even hold onto small toys, though sometimes she struggles with hand-eye coordination it doesn’t get her down! She is able to feed herself a lollipop, and is cooperative when her foster mom dresses her. Though she is not saying any words, she will imitate sounds, and understands what is said to her.

These videos are from when she was listed with Bethany, please note that she is now listed with WACAP: One and Two.

Libby is a lovely little one who needs a family to give her all the attention and cuddles she wants! WACAP is offering a $4,000 Promise Child Grant for qualified families. Email WACAP for more information!

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