Meet the Contributors: Chris

July 30, 2017 Chris, Contributor Q and A, Meet the Contributors 1 Comments

Continuing today with our series in which we share a short Q and A with one of our contributors to give y’all, our faithful readers, a little more behind-the-scenes insight into the amazing group of writers assembled here. And it will also give each of our contributors a chance to share their heart in a way a traditional post might not allow.

Q: Can you tell us a little about your family?

My husband and I met in college, our freshman year…. the rest, they say, “is history”!

We have six children. Three of our kiddos were adopted from China through the special needs program. Our oldest three are all married, and we have been blessed with the most amazing “in-law” kids ever! We also have one adorable five year old grandson.

Our youngest three? Well…they help keep us young!

Q: What led you to adopt from China?

Such a complex question….but simply I always knew I would be a momma to a little one from China.

Q: Which province are your children from?

Shea come home in 2007, and she is from Sichuan. Avery came home in 2010 and Jude in 2012, they are both from Guangdong.

Q: What special needs are represented in your family?

Cleft lip and palate, abnormal EEG.

Q: Favorite aspect of adoption? Hardest?

My absolute favorite part of adoption is my kids! That somehow I get to be their mom.

The hardest part is knowing the trauma they came from and the struggles that are inherent because of that.

Q: In one or two sentences, what are two tips applying to any part of the adoption process?

Surround yourself with others from the adoption community. Find your people! They are the best!

Lean into God. Lean into Him until you are no longer standing on your own two feet, until you are enveloped securely in His arms. This is the best place to be. Then continue with your adoption process.

Q: How has adoption grown/stretched/changed you?

I used to be a totally Type A personality – and now I’m like a Type B personality! (That’s a thing, right?)
I have been humbled.
I now “see” people through the lens of love and mercy.
Perspective is everything!
I’ve learned that I’m not in control, but the One that I adore is.
My relationship with Jesus has grown tremendously, and I try earnestly to enjoy the life I have been given.

Q: Can you share a few of your favorite personal blog posts? Some shared by others on NHBO?

Speaking Blessings by Mandy
In Grief and Joy: Why We Need Each Other by Kelley
Anything written by Rebecca

Q: What is your favorite book? Quote? Verse?

My all time favorite book is To Kill A Mockingbird.

Favorite quote: “We aren’t really called to save the world, not even to save one person; Jesus has already done that. We are called to love with abandon.”Kisses from Katie

Well, I might have two favorite quotes: “God’s will is what we would choose if we knew all the facts.” – Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Q: What is something most people don’t know about you?

In college, I was on the synchronized swim team. And my teammates and I performed to Disco Duck.

Q: Can you share a favorite “mom hack” that makes life easier for you?

Post-it notes… everywhere, color-coordinated for each person in the house.

Q: If you could share one parting thought with someone considering special needs adoption, what would it be?

Sometimes I have felt scared, confused, angry, and lost as I traveled this {special needs} adoption road. Here’s the thing though, this whole journey? It’s never been about me. The unknowns, the doubt, the fear… all real, all valid…. but they are nothing compared to the fear, confusion, anger, and loss my three youngest have gone through and will continue to deal with to some extent for the rest of their lives.

Always remember when considering special needs adoption: the biggest need is a family.


One response to “Meet the Contributors: Chris”

  1. Liz says:

    Your heart just touched mine so deeply. Thank you for sharing.

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