Abriana is 2 years old (girl, born May 2015) and she is postoperative for congenital heart disease. This beautiful baby needs a family as soon as possible. Though she has had the Glenn procedure, she may need urgent care upon coming home. Families should be willing to medically expedite her adoption. Abriana is listed with CHI.
She was abandoned at about 1 year old. As a baby, Abriana already loved cuddles and would snuggle right up to her caregivers if someone unfamiliar was in the room. She would crawl over to where snacks were being given, open her mouth and say “Ahhhh,” then say “Mmmm!”
Abriana is timid around strangers, but she is very talkative with people she knows. She is described as smiley, and loves to play outside.
For more information about adoptoing Abriana, please email CHI Specialist Nina Thompson.
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