Find My Family: Maggie

October 6, 2018 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Beautiful Maggie is a precious little girl, born in July of 2012. She was received into orphanage care at the age of three.

In July of 2017, she was moved to New Day Foster Home. It didn’t take Maggie long to fit right in with her new friends at New Day. Her laugh has filled the foster home, especially when music is playing, and her smile lights up a room. Maggie is known for her huge hugs and kind heart. She will often help the other kids get dressed or comb their hair.

She is an orderly little lady who likes to help the teacher set-up the tables and chairs. If other kids mess it up, she will put it right back. Maggie is curious about new things and likes to explore toys, play in the rain, and spend time with the animals, especially the goats. She is very patient, cooperative, and obedient.

Maggie also loves music, playing instruments, and can create simple crafts with provided materials. Her caretakers say that she is physically strong and confident.

Maggie is diagnosed with nystagmus, leukoma of both eyes, and developmental delays. Though she is able to see a small amount, she is sensitive to light and has impaired vision.

In May of 2017, she could follow simple instructions and speak in simple words and phrases. She was able to walk independently, jump with both feet, and go up and down stairs holding the railing. Four months later, caregivers reported she was growing in her skills, and they attributed her delays to her vision impairment.

She didn’t often speak proactively, but could imitate and answer simple “who” or “where” questions. She was also able to follow three-step directions. Since her eye surgery Maggie’s vision has improved. She walks steadily and is able to reach out and grab things by sight, rather than feeling for them.

As of May of 2018, Maggie language and cognitive abilities are still slightly delayed compared to her peers, but she continues to make progress. She can express her needs with words, such as “eat” and “go potty,” and is able to answer simple questions, like “Who did your hair today?”

She is attending preschool and is receiving speech therapy as well. We can’t wait to see Maggie continue to flourish in her own loving family!

A video of Maggie at New Day Foster Home can be found here and be sure you don’t miss the adorable blog posts welcoming Maggie and featuring Maggie and the goats.

A visitor who met Maggie said, “She’s SO full of joy! She does everything her classmates were doing, her vision challenges sure didn’t seem to hold her back. She just brings items closer to her face to see.”

There is a $500 agency grant for Maggie’s adoption with Madison Adoption Associates. Other grants may be available based on the adoptive family’s circumstances. Agency grants are awarded as agency fee reductions. MAA also partners with the Brittany’s Hope Foundation for matching grants, which are given out twice a year January and July) and to families that are officially matched with a child.

Maggie needs a family with an approved home study to be able to move forward with adopting her. If you have an approved home study or a home study in process and are interested in adopting Maggie, please fill out a free PAP Waiting Child Review Form, which can be found here.

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