Waiting to be Chosen: Magnolia

March 2, 2019 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Magnolia is a precious little girl, born in August of 2013, and described as extroverted and sweet tempered. And, oh my goodness, those cheeks!

She is fairly active, talkative, and has quick reaction time. Magnolia enjoys singing and listening to music. She gets along well with others and likes playing outdoors with her friends and with toy cars.

Magnolia lives with a foster family and though she likes to be cuddled by her foster grandfather, she is closest with her foster grandmother. She is a good sleeper and sleeps in her own bed. She is not a picky eater, though she has been spoiled by her foster grandparents who tend to hand-feed her and let her use a bottle to drink her drinks from.

Magnolia’s favorite foods are meat, dumplings, noodles, vegetables, and fruits. As of November of 2017, Magnolia could walk using handrails and could stand alone. She was able to imitate words and say simple things like, “What is this?” Her intelligence was said to be delayed compared to her peers, but her orphanage also seems to say this about many children in their care.

In January of 2014, Magnolia received surgery for lumbar spinal meningocele and hydrocephalus. She had good recovery after the surgery, though she was not toilet trained at the time her file was prepared. We are unsure if that is a result of her meningocele surgery or because she just hadn’t been trained yet.

Magnolia has the sweetest little face with the cutest little voice. You have to watch her sweet video! You can find her video here.

Magnolia has a $500 agency grant for her adoption with Madison Adoption Associates. Other grants may be available based on the adoptive family’s circumstances. Agency grants are awarded as agency fee reductions. MAA also partners with the Brittany’s Hope Foundation for matching grants, which are given out twice a year (January and July) and to families that are officially matched with a child.

Magnolia needs a family with an approved home study to be able to move forward with adopting her. If you have an approved home study or a home study in process and are interested in adopting Magnolia, please fill out a free PAP Waiting Child Review Form, which can be found here.

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