Meet Melody!

March 29, 2019 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Melody, born in January of 2013, is a little peanut who couldn’t be cuter! Melody knows the nanny who takes care of her and is very close to her. She is described as smiley, shy, and energetic. She recognizes the other children in her room and enjoys playing with them.

Melody feeds herself with a bottle and likes to eat crackers too. She is afraid of strangers, but will actively ask for hugs from the nanny who cares for her… being held is one of her very favorite things!

Melody will let her nanny know she is not happy if the nanny holds another child first or is too busy to hold her. Melody reacts when called and can understand simple instructions. She is now saying some single words and will say a sentence every once in a while, but it is hard to understand.

She is finally walking and appears very small for her age. Melody was born with Down syndrome. She is from a former Madison Adoption Associates’ partnership orphanage. MAA staff have met her multiple times and note that she is sweet, has a precious laugh, doesn’t cry much, is often happy, and is a good sleeper. One of our traveling families even had the blessing of meeting her last year.

Melody will surely bring so much joy to her forever family!

Videos of Melody here (make sure to see her beaming smile when she finally gets picked up at about the 41 second mark) and here.

Written update from February 2018:

1. How is her mental ability compared to peers of the same age?
Her mental level is lower than kids without Down syndrome, but higher than most kids with Down syndrome.

2. How does the special need affect her health?
It doesn’t.

3. Is she potty trained?

4. Please describe her personality in details.
She is an active and happy child who is bonded and likes being held.

5. Is she well behaved and obedient?

6. How are her gross motor skills? Can she walk, run, jump, and walk upstairs and downstairs by herself? Can she kick a ball? Can she pick up a ball? Any limited functions?
Normal. She can walk, run, jump, and hold rails when going upstairs and downstairs. No limitations.

7. How are her fine motor skills? Can she draw or scribble on paper? Can she pick up little things with her fingers?
Good. She can scribble, draw, and can pick up tiny things. No limitations.

8. Is she in any kind of school? If so, what school? Can she catch up in school?
She is in kindergarten in the orphanage. She can learn some simple dances and children’s songs, and draw pictures.

9. How is her emotional development? Is the child attached to anyone? Who is she close to? Does she care for other people?
Good. She gets along well with people and is close to other kids in the room.

10. How are her social skills? Does she get along well with other children and adults?
She is good with people.
11. Is she under foster care or living in the orphanage?
She lives in the orphanage.

12. Updated Measurements:
Height: 98 cm
Weight: 16 kg
Head circ: 46 cm
Chest circ:50 cm
Foot length: 14 cm
Number of teeth: 22

13. How is the language ability of the child? What can she say? Can she speak one word, two words, or sentences? Can she express her needs well? Is her language ability the same as peers of the same age?
Delayed. She can say two or three words. Sometimes she says a whole sentence, but not clearly.

14. Can the child follow directions of adults? One step, two steps, or three steps?
She can follow some instructions.

15. Is the child on any medication?

16. What is the daily schedule of the child?
5:20 am get up
6:40am breakfast
8:30am kindergarten
9:20 snack and fruit juice
11:30 lunch
12:00 nap
2:30 kindergarten
4:30 going home
5:30 dinner

17. What does the child eat? Can she feed herself? Does the child eat with chopsticks, a spoon, or a bottle?
She is not picky about food. She can eat many foods. She feeds herself with a bottle. Adults feed her with a spoon.

18. Does the child know any English?

19. Does the child want to be adopted? Does the child understand what adoption means?
She doesn’t understand adoption at all.

20. What color does the child like?
Bright colors

21. What activity does the child like to do?
She likes playing games with others- it makes her very happy!

22. What is the favorite toy of the child?
She likes many different kinds of toys.

Melody has a $5,000 Bright Futures agency grant for her adoption with Madison Adoption Associates. Other grants may be available based on the adoptive family’s circumstances. Agency grants are awarded as agency fee reductions. MAA also partners with the Brittany’s Hope Foundation for matching grants, which are given out twice a year (January and July) and to families that are officially matched with a child.

Melody needs a family with an approved home study to be able to move forward with adopting her. If you have an approved home study or a home study in process and are interested in adopting Melody, please fill out a free PAP Waiting Child Review Form, which can be found here.

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