day 8: Hope

November 8, 2014 30shareadoptionchallenge, Family Found 3 Comments

There are millions of children awaiting a family and as you begin the process or have already been through it and choose to search waiting child lists, you’ll see the sad faces of thousands of children. Each one waiting for the one thing that all of us are able to give to them – a …Read More

day 6: hard isn’t easy, it’s beautiful

November 6, 2014 30shareadoptionchallenge 0 Comments

From the 30 Day Share Adoption Challenge committee: It’s Day 6 and you’re still sharing about adoption! Congratulations! And guess what? We heard today of three families that have begun speaking with agencies because someone shared about the joys of adoption! Our goal is to share every day in hopes that more families will consider …Read More

day 5: dear birthmother

November 5, 2014 30shareadoptionchallenge 1 Comments

From Kelli: I’m so excited that so many of you are taking this challenge and sharing adoption with others! Did you know that our social media reach is more than 15,000 in just five days! That is amazing!
 Throughout our 30 days together, we’ll look at so many different facets of adoption. Yesterday Maureen touched …Read More

day 4: the past is not in the past

November 4, 2014 30shareadoptionchallenge 19 Comments

From Kelli: Adoption is beautiful, redemptive, and yet messy and hard all at once. These children have experienced more loss in their short time here on Earth than any of our brains could comprehend. In all of the smiles and happiness in a child, so much loss remains. It is unrealistic to think otherwise. Families …Read More

day 3: 30 day share adoption challenge

November 3, 2014 30shareadoptionchallenge 1 Comments

From Kelli: Jasmine Ellsbury just might be one of the sweetest and most genuine teenagers I know. Her attitude and perspective is amazing and gives me pause on a daily basis. Jasmine was adopted as a teenager by Dan and Lisa Ellsbury, and she currently lives in Iowa with her forever family. Jasmine created her …Read More

day 2: 30 day share adoption challenge

November 2, 2014 30shareadoptionchallenge 1 Comments

From Kelli: The 30 Day Share Adoption Challenge has been embraced by hundreds. I’m so excited to see so many take on the challenge of sharing the many facets of adoption. This 30 day project began as a simple conversation about how there are never enough families willing to step forward for the millions of …Read More

November 1: the first day of National Adoption Month

November 1, 2014 30shareadoptionchallenge, Advocacy 4 Comments

November is National Adoption Month. And for the next 30 days, we will be partnering with Kelli Bloomquist – who has shared with us here before – and a host of other adoptive mamas in a 30 Day Share Adoption Challenge. The goal is to help spread the word, as far and as wide as …Read More

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