You’re not in Kansas anymore

May 17, 2014 adopting SN: the process, adoption realities, birthmark, Chinese Culture, hemangioma, Kayla 3 Comments

I’ve told the editors of this blog that I am running out of things to write about regarding the special need that Jubilee (that’s my daughter) has. It simply doesn’t matter to us any more that she has a skin deformity on her torso. It will matter to her one day, no doubt, but we …Read More

Accident, Mafia Style #2

July 22, 2011 a father's perspective, adopting SN: the process, Adrian 0 Comments

Another “accident” Me:  Uuuuuh, what was that crash?! Wife:  Ummmm… I don’t know. Me:  What happened?  Was it something outside? Wife:  Oh, uh, yea.  The table broke. Me:  The table broke?  How? Wife:  … uuuuuuhhhhmmmm… Me:  *looking outside*  I guess the wind caught it and tipped it over? Wife:  Yea!  That’s it!  I saw the whole thing!  The wind just picked it up, and …Read More

adopting SN step two: the paperchase

January 25, 2010 adopting SN: the process, Stefanie 2 Comments

This is the second post (read first post here) that attempts to answer the oft asked question:“How do I get started? We have decided we want to adopt a child from China through the special needs program, but what do we do next?” Once you’ve chosen an agency, the real work begins. It’s time to …Read More

adopting SN step one: choosing an agency

November 17, 2009 adopting SN: the process, Stefanie 4 Comments

Often I am asked, “How do I get started? We have decided we want to adopt a child from China through the special needs program, but what do we do next?” So, although I am definitely no expert, I offer my best effort in answering that very question. The entire China program (NSN and SN) …Read More

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The content found on the No Hands But Ours website is not approved, endorsed, curated or edited by medical professionals. Consult a doctor with expertise in the special needs of interest to you.