Affording Adoption: Demystifying the Adoption Loan

August 1, 2017 adoption loan, affording adoption, fundraising for adoption 1 Comments

Affording adoption can seem like a scary thing. I know of so many people that would love to consider adoption, but quickly respond that it costs too much money. I agree that it would be wonderful if adoption were free or much cheaper. However, agencies (both adoption and governmental) have to hire people to handle …Read More

Meet the Author of “You Can Adopt Without Debt”

August 8, 2016 affording adoption, books, fundraisers, fundraising for adoption, guest post, pre-adoption, should we adopt? 0 Comments

“I’ve thought about adopting, but I could never afford it!” I think every adoptive family has either heard that comment, or maybe even thought it themselves at some point. It was those conversations — sometimes at church, sometimes in the grocery store — that led me to write “You Can Adopt Without Debt.” I’ve wanted …Read More

40 fundraising families. And a challenge for you.

December 20, 2014 affording adoption, fundraisers, fundraising for adoption, Kristi, Stefanie, the little light project 1 Comments

Last week we shared the organizations working on behalf of the fatherless in China. 19 incredible organizations that I hope you’ve had a chance to read about and consider how you might partner with one. Today we are featuring fundraising families. 40 of them. Whew. The too-many-to-count hours spent compiling and formatting the information for …Read More

10 Tips for a Successful Adoption Yard Sale Fundraiser

June 30, 2014 affording adoption, fundraisers, Nicole 4 Comments

After weeks of planning and organizing taking over a good portion of my time, we hosted our yard sale fundraiser on Saturday!  I know many, many, many adoptive families have done yard sale fundraisers with great success who can also give you awesome advice.  But for what it’s worth, here’s my 2 cents on planning …Read More

Loaves, Fishes, and Bedrooms

June 15, 2014 a father's perspective, adoption realities, affording adoption, Mike 13 Comments

As a dad, one of the most common concerns from prospective adoptive fathers is on the finances relative to adoption and larger families. This provides some perspective on our experience: This month will be the 10th anniversary of when we moved into our current house. We built this house, and it was the perfect size …Read More

four more ways to raise funds for your adoption

March 22, 2014 affording adoption, Amy A., fundraising for adoption 2 Comments

When I talk to most people, their number one roadblock to adoption is MONEY, and I am so thankful to be invited to share a second blog post about funding your adoption. You can read the first post with fundraiser ideas HERE. After becoming more and more involved in the adoption community, I have seen …Read More

22 ways to raise funds for your adoption

March 14, 2014 affording adoption, Amy A., fundraisers, fundraising for adoption 10 Comments

Hello! My name is Amy Abell, and I am so excited to have this opportunity to be a guest blogger for No Hands But Ours. I began blogging soon after I became pregnant with my first son, Noah, in 2007 and continued to blog when my second son, Liam, surprised us with a cleft lip …Read More

village to village

October 2, 2012 affording adoption, fundraisers 0 Comments

If you are in the process of adopting or have already adopted, I encourage you to check out Village to Village. Village to Village is a 501(c)(3) that offers fundraising for adopting families – up to $10,000 – without a laundry list of requirements. And they also offer a way for everyone to get involved …Read More

Adoption Tax Credit for 2011

January 27, 2012 affording adoption, Stefanie 0 Comments

Anyone who has adopted should know about the Adoption Tax Credit. It’s a huge blessing for adopting families to recoup a portion of expenses when adopting a child. But if you’re most of us, that’s about where your knowledge ends. Internet to the rescue. With tax season upon us, here are some links to help …Read More

adoption grants and loans

October 20, 2011 affording adoption 0 Comments

We are working to create a database for adoptive families pursuing adoption that need help funding their adoption. Please leave a comment or email us if you have any organizations to add to our list.Both Hands – for Orphans – JSC Foundation – Katelyn’s Fund – A Child Waits Foundation – …Read More

Non-recurring Adoption Expense Reimbursements

December 30, 2009 affording adoption, Stefanie 1 Comments

I know, it’s a mouthful. But it’s worth taking the time to toss around as many families adopting special needs kids from China qualify for up to $2000 back from their state. Special needs domestic adoptions are eligible in every state for a one time reimbursement of non-recurring adoption expenses. But many states also reimburse …Read More

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