For Kids, By Kids

August 28, 2019 adoption community, Beyond Adoption, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

“Mom, can we please do a lemonade stand today?” begged the kids. They had been wanting to do one for a long time, so I reluctantly agreed to do a stand that hot day in May 2015. We got a poster board, some lemonade, a table, and headed down to a park in our neighborhood. …Read More

The Greatest Gift

November 26, 2018 adoption community, Beyond Adoption, Megan V., National Adoption Month, orphan ministry, other ways to care for the orphan 2 Comments

This November we are highlighting the work of NGOs in China doing work on behalf of orphans. I have absolutely no first hand knowledge of any. How can this be? Meredith Toering is one my favorite Instagrammers, but I don’t know her or the precious work she’s doing for kiddos with heart issues beyond that. …Read More

Holistic Care, Family Preservation & Community Advocacy: The Mission of ICC

November 18, 2018 Beyond Adoption, child sponsorship, family preservation, International China Concern, NGOs, orphan ministry, other ways to care for the orphan 2 Comments

Precocious Bobby grinned ear-to-ear as he crunched the delicious corn his chubby fingers had threaded onto skewers not long before. Through his special education class at International China Concern (ICC), he learned about… • Planting and harvesting from ICC’s on-site garden. • Washing and preparing food together as family. • Temperature and cooking in the …Read More

A Birthday Celebration Like No Other

November 1, 2018 other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

It’s time to celebrate! No Hands But Ours just turned 10 years old. A decade of advice, orphan advocacy, family stories, special needs awareness, charity highlights, adoptee stories, vulnerable connection over struggles, and all kinds of celebration of prayers answered, kids finding families, and adoptive families steadily finding their way. It’s time to recognize all …Read More

A Kaleidoscope of Color and Culture

September 9, 2018 a father's perspective, adoptee perspective, adult adoptee, fundraisers, fundraising for adoption, other ways to care for the orphan, September 2018 Feature - Hearing From Adult Adoptees 3 Comments

Over many years, long before Erin and I were even married, God was weaving together a beautiful story, made possible through adoption. I was unexpectedly adopted from the Congo at just a few months old, as my biological mother died in child-birth with me. In the tribe I was born into, the cultural practice, if …Read More

MaeBeSew: Every Stitch Has Meaning

September 1, 2018 adoption community, fundraising for adoption, other ways to care for the orphan, Stefanie 0 Comments

The adoption community is an amazing thing. And at NHBO, we love it when we get an opportunity to spotlight someone in the community doing something especially amazing. I recently got the chance to interview someone who is not only part of the adoption community but who is also using her gifts and talents to …Read More

10 Ways to Support a Family That Has Decided to Adopt
 (In-Process Families)

May 23, 2018 adoption community, local adoption support, other ways to care for the orphan, Rebecca 0 Comments

1. Prayer. It is our most powerful weapon, so let’s use it. Regularly ask, “How can I pray for you today?” Snap a photo of the family’s name on your prayer list. Remember to let them know, “Our family prayed for you last night.” Have kids make cards promising to pray. Best, invite the family …Read More

Carrying Hope High

May 10, 2018 Family Stories, fundraisers, May 2018 Feature - Now What? Life After China Program Changes, other ways to care for the orphan, Stefanie, terminal diagnosis 5 Comments

I recently reached out to my friend Emily to ask if she’d be willing share her story here on NHBO. Hers is a story that we – as the adoption community – need to hear… especially during this time of such significant and devastating changes in the China program. We need to cling to hope, …Read More

Three Shifts Any Church Can Make Right Now To Prioritize Adoption

April 25, 2018 a father's perspective, adoption community, Dads, other ways to care for the orphan, Randall 0 Comments

I know many of us are part of great churches. In an ideal world, you probably feel supported and loved all the way through the process and post-placement. If you find yourself in one of these churches, your pastor has probably talked from stage on a regular basis about the value of adoption. They know …Read More

The Fire in Your Belly

March 17, 2018 China trip, Megan V., other ways to care for the orphan, prepping for China 5 Comments

My sister returned from China with her little guy a month ago and I think I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. And a smidgen of envy. Because you will take all the classes your agency recommends; you are a rule follower and you want to be prepared. But you will quickly learn that nothing, no …Read More

T-shirt Fundraisers!

February 4, 2018 fundraisers, Kelley B., other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

Fundraiser t shirts can be so much fun! You can never have too many shirts – and when it’s for such a good cause, I’m in! Here are five current t-shirt fundraiser and one cute hat fundraiser! Check them out and consider supporting some precious children finding their families… 1. The Carter Family 2. Love …Read More

Something Special this Christmas

November 29, 2017 adoption community, fundraisers, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

I always dreamed of starting a ministry in our son Daniel’s memory after he left us for Heaven in 2010, but making that dream come true was another story. Even through the years of being enveloped in adoption processes, raising our kids, financial woes, and living in a constant state of transition, I always carried …Read More

Help Bring Audrey Home

September 18, 2017 adoption community, fundraisers, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

We saw this fundraiser on Facebook and were so intrigued by it we just had to share. Yih-Pai has shared on NHBO before (here and here) and we were so touched by her desire to help this sweet girl come home. Please consider getting (or gifting!) one of these beautiful pieces of art and you’ll …Read More

A Cultural Exchange: Incorporating Chinese Culture Into Your Home

September 14, 2017 Brandie, Chinese Culture, orphan hosting, other ways to care for the orphan 1 Comments

“We are very fond of Chinese culture.” It was a statement I wrote sitting at a table in Nanjing, Jiangsu China on one of the many documents we signed in order to adopt our son in 2015. I promised to love him and protect him. I promised never to harm him or abuse him. And …Read More

Returned to the Orphanage: the Children of Guangdong

May 21, 2017 Children Who Wait, Lifeline, orphan ministry, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

On March 21st, I came across a post from Lifeline’s China program director that said: “Please join us in praying for the precious children who are being cared for in our Foster Center in Zhanjiang, China. Because of some new laws being implemented this year in China, we were notified very unexpectedly last night that …Read More

Love Stories: A Beautiful Thing

April 30, 2017 April 2017 Feature - Love Stories, Beyond Adoption, foster care, Harmony House, NGOs, orphan ministry 1 Comments

We are so quick to fill in the blanks, aren’t we? We get one part of a story, and we use our imagination to complete the rest. But it’s too simplistic to do that with the care of orphaned children halfway around the world… to see an image and create a tragic narrative, hear a …Read More

Stay the course. Help is on the way.

April 27, 2017 a father's perspective, adoption community, orphan ministry, Randall 2 Comments

In an article posted by on it’s noted that 90% of people with special needs do not attend church. A study concluded in 2014 shows that 1 in 6 people in the US have a diagnosed special need. That means for my small city of 160,000 people there are roughly 26,000 with a diagnosed …Read More

Love Stories: What I Saw When I Stopped Searching

April 25, 2017 April 2017 Feature - Love Stories, Beyond Adoption, Kelly, orphan ministry, other ways to care for the orphan 11 Comments

We are so quick to fill in the blanks, aren’t we? We get one part of a story, and we use our imagination to complete the rest. But it’s too simplistic to do that with the care of orphaned children halfway around the world… to see an image and create a tragic narrative, hear a …Read More

Love Stories: A Second Chance

April 24, 2017 April 2017 Feature - Love Stories, foster care, Lifeline, orphan ministry, other ways to care for the orphan 2 Comments

We are so quick to fill in the blanks, aren’t we? We get one part of a story, and we use our imagination to complete the rest. But it’s too simplistic to do that with the care of orphaned children halfway around the world… to see an image and create a tragic narrative, hear a …Read More

Advocacy: The Profound Ripple Effect

April 20, 2017 a father's perspective, adopting a boy, adoption community, Advocacy, Beyond Adoption, other ways to care for the orphan 1 Comments

“Why are we here?” It is a question many people ask themselves through their life journey. Answers come in many forms through prayer, hope, and helping others.   But now imagine yourself as a person who was abandoned by his or her biological parents. How can you, and that child, find solace? You are reading …Read More

Seeing Him in the Daily: A Transforming Perspective for the Hard Days

March 18, 2017 adopting again, Andrea Y., large families, other ways to care for the orphan, should we adopt? 2 Comments

Today. Today feels like one of those “the days are long but the years are fast” kinda days — busy, demanding, a mile long to-do-list sort of seasons of motherhood. Have you been there? Maybe you are like me and feel like you live there! It’s in these impossible laundry-piled days that’s it’s easy to …Read More

T-shirts. Because you can never have too many.

March 3, 2017 adoption community, Beyond Adoption, fundraisers, Kelley B., other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

Adoption t-shirts are one of the most fun ways to support adopting families. I have lost count how many adoption t-shirts we have purchased over the years. You never can have too many right? And what a great way to support families in process of making a once-orphaned child a beloved son or daughter. Here …Read More

On the Ground in China: Prayers Answered

January 24, 2017 agency-orphanage partnership, AWAA, Beyond Adoption, medical mission trip, orphan ministry, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

Prayers answered overnight, relationships forged, and a path cleared to serve more than twice the number of children planned – this is the incredible impact of a recent medical mission trip to help orphans in China. On this recent trip, Dr. Kanhka Linthavong and his team saw God work in powerful ways. The group of …Read More

Beyond Adoption: An Interview with Amy Eldridge

December 31, 2016 Beyond Adoption, child sponsorship, LWB, NGOs, other ways to care for the orphan, Stefanie 0 Comments

We recently had an opportunity to talk with Amy Eldridge, founder and director of Love Without Boundaries. LWB began in 2003, in an effort to help save the life of one tiny boy in China, and now operates ongoing programs – education, foster care, healing homes, medical and unity initiative, and nutrition – to care …Read More

Year End Giving: Our Favorites

December 22, 2016 Beyond Adoption, Contributor Q and A, Half the Sky, International China Concern, Little Hearts Medical, LWB, Morning Star Foster Home, New Day Foster Home, NGOs, other ways to care for the orphan, Show Hope, Stefanie 0 Comments

We are pretty passionate about orphan care around here. And we love to help others find avenues for their similarly burdened hearts to care for the fatherless as well as encourage family preservation. Recently, our team was discussing our favorite orphan-and-adoption-related charities. And then we thought of you, our readers, and how good it would …Read More

No More Fear in Saying Yes

December 17, 2016 2016 Featured Fundraising Families, adopting as first time parents, fundraisers, other ways to care for the orphan, pre-adoption, reluctant husband, should we adopt? 0 Comments

There are some conversations you have, and you know you’ll remember them long after they’re gone. Something about them seems like deja vu or like they’re happening in slow motion, and you can just feel the permanency in that moment. I had one of those conversations with a dear friend last spring, telling her I …Read More

When You Don’t Know How to Pray

November 25, 2016 Beyond Adoption, Kelly, other ways to care for the orphan 2 Comments

Our Father in heaven, your name is holy. You are a good Father. Reveal yourself in deep and simple ways to those who wait. Let them experience you, the only perfect and ever present Father. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. It’s hard to see your Kingdom …Read More

The Heart of An Orphan: How One Orphan Inspired a Movement That Brings Hope and Healing to Thousands

November 23, 2016 books, LWB, NGOs, other ways to care for the orphan, Rebecca 0 Comments

“Walking into my daughter’s orphanage for the first time changed everything
 I thought I knew about my life.” 
- Amy Eldridge Do you have anybody you’d like to sit across a table from? I’m guessing you have a list of folks. As for me, I’d designate one of my chairs to Amy Eldridge, founder of …Read More

Trusting God to Guide You

October 19, 2016 Andrea Y., Beyond Adoption, other ways to care for the orphan, should we adopt? 8 Comments

I was running late – how I do most things – when I remembered I needed to stay hydrated because I’m nursing a new baby. (A new one after two adoptions has brought all kinds of perspective on not only things I missed — but also just how precious each day and little one is… …Read More

On Medical Mission: Telling the Stories of Orphans with Special Needs

October 4, 2016 agency-orphanage partnership, AWAA, Beyond Adoption, medical mission trip, orphan ministry, other ways to care for the orphan 1 Comments

Dr. Kanhka Linthavong is a North Carolina doctor with a huge heart for adoption. His family is in the process of adopting a child from China, and he loves how adoption demonstrates how God brings us into His own family.  In just a few days, Dr. Linthavong will be traveling to China on a medical missions …Read More

Beyond Adoption: An Interview with Karen Brenneman from New Day Foster Home

October 1, 2016 Beyond Adoption, Chris, New Day Foster Home, NGOs, other ways to care for the orphan 2 Comments

Here at No Hands But Ours, we are passionate about the Fatherless; the orphaned, the child who so desperately needs a family. And so we advocate, we encourage, we inform, we love. We also know that many of our readers are as passionate and want to support and love on children who need families… some …Read More

Beyond Folded Hands: Praying for China’s Orphans

August 24, 2016 Beyond Adoption, Kelly, orphan ministry, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

I’m not an artist. I’m better with words. At least, that’s what I’ve always believed, that’s what I’ve always told myself. I feel at home with a pen in my hand. It’s familiar and comfortable. I know what to do with it, and I am confident that the ink on the page will eventually produce …Read More

When Jesus Tells You What To Do

April 25, 2016 orphan prevention, orphanage realities, Randall, should we adopt? 3 Comments

A Hot Mess This week I got into a conversation about these two big ideas called expiation and propitiation. Sounds fun, right? Don’t worry, I’m not going to open up the discussion here. It’s really boring unless you’re a theology nerd. For sure, it’s an important doctrine, but how important? Important enough to argue over? …Read More

Brave Prayers for Waiting Children

March 17, 2016 Andrea Y., Beyond Adoption, other ways to care for the orphan 1 Comments

My little boy walked around the chair and peaked over my shoulder. He saw a little boy who was his brother’s age – waiting in an orphanage in China. Momma. Is that my brother? No baby. It’s not. It’s a little boy in China we can pray for. He doesn’t have a family – and …Read More

Heart Month: Little Hearts Medical

February 1, 2016 February 2016 Feature - Heart, Heart System, Little Hearts Medical, other ways to care for the orphan, referral, waiting for referral 0 Comments

It’s February 1. Happy American Heart Month! To start off heart month here at NHBO, I asked Andrea to share. Andrea has shared here before, as mom to four children with complex (some with very complex) heart needs. But today Andrea is sharing as the Executive Director of Little Hearts Medical. One of her roles …Read More

Looking Back | Looking Ahead

January 9, 2016 adopting again, Amy A., Orphan Sunday 9 Comments

Happy New Year, No Hands But Ours Readers! I don’t know about you, but the year’s end always leaves me a feeling a little reminiscent about the past yet excited about the future. This transition from 2015 to 2016 is no exception as I reflected on where our adoption journeys have taken us and where …Read More

We’re Not Special

January 5, 2016 complex heart defect, Family Stories, Heart System, HLHS, older child adoption, orphan hosting, single atrium heart disease, single ventricle heart disease, TGA 3 Comments

My husband, Bobby, and I are not special. We keep being told that we are. Ever since starting the adoption process, people keep telling us we are “special”. I don’t always know how to respond. I feel embarrassed and totally unworthy. We don’t belong on that pedestal. Have they seen our very un-special home and …Read More

Beyond Adoption: The Love Project

December 28, 2015 Beyond Adoption, December 2015 Feature - Beyond Adoption, Morning Star Foster Home, orphan prevention, other ways to care for the orphan 3 Comments

In the bed next to my sweet little one in that Chinese ICU, a little six day old baby lay. I didn’t take much notice of him at first, another baby on a ventilator among the rows. Not until I overheard one quiet doctor’s words to another – “The surgery? It’s too expensive. I don’t …Read More

‘Tis the Season for Hosting

December 25, 2015 Beyond Adoption, December 2015 Feature - Beyond Adoption, Kelly, Living Hope, orphan hosting, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

We thought about it for a few minutes when we got the email from Living Hope about their new orphan hosting program. And, then we moved on. It was a neat thing; it would be great for the families who could do it. We weren’t one of them. We had a lot of reasons not …Read More

The Blessing of Non-Adoptive Supporters

December 21, 2015 adopting as a single mom, Beyond Adoption, December 2015 Feature - Beyond Adoption, Desiree, other ways to care for the orphan, working mom 0 Comments

This month we are focusing on ways other than adoption to support orphan care. As my family had the amazing opportunity to have a non-adoptive momma and dear-dear friend travel with us to China, I wanted to highlight her ministry to us as an adoptive family and the scores of people that supported her so …Read More

Beyond Adoption: The Advocate

December 20, 2015 Advocacy, Beyond Adoption, December 2015 Feature - Beyond Adoption, Liberty, other ways to care for the orphan 1 Comments

Advocate is a powerful word. It carries so much meaning in its 8 little letters. Merriam-Webster’s definition: 1. one that pleads the cause of another 2. one that defends or maintains a cause 3. one that supports or promotes the interests of another This definition sure sounds mighty familiar. It seems as if Mr. Webster might …Read More

Beyond Adoption: OneSky

December 18, 2015 Beyond Adoption, December 2015 Feature - Beyond Adoption, Half the Sky, orphan prevention, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

Today, as part of our Beyond Adoption series, we are highlighting OneSky for all children. OneSky, formerly Half the Sky Foundation, is a global NGO that over the last 18 years has trained more than 13,000 caregivers and impacted the lives of more than 130,000 of China’s most vulnerable children and its work is only …Read More

Beyond Adoption: Lifeline’s (un)adopted Foster Home

December 14, 2015 Beyond Adoption, December 2015 Feature - Beyond Adoption, Lifeline, orphan ministry, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

In July 2014 thirteen precious children were moved from an orphanage in southern China to a new foster center called City of Grace, opened by Lifeline Children’s Service (un)adopted ministry. This new safe haven became a place where nannies greeted the children with open arms and welcomed these children worthy of love. Over the course …Read More

Beyond Adoption: What Advocacy Can Do

December 9, 2015 Advocacy, Blood Conditions, December 2015 Feature - Beyond Adoption, disruption, other ways to care for the orphan, thalassemia 3 Comments

Our precious son, Mac, came to us through the advocating of many and the mission field of No Hands But Ours. But it begins in an unlikely way….it begins with a disruption. A painful, gut-wrenching, heartbreaking disruption. It is actually impossible to tell Mac’s story without first telling about the disruption. I had never considered …Read More

Beyond Adoption, Other Ways to Care for the Orphan: Show Hope

December 7, 2015 Beyond Adoption, December 2015 Feature - Beyond Adoption, other ways to care for the orphan, Show Hope 0 Comments

Adoption has forever changed so many of us, hasn’t it? It’s moved our hearts and expanded our thinking. We stood in orphanages and felt the sting of tears, knowing that while we were receiving the gift of sons and daughters, we were also leaving behind a staggering number of fatherless children. It is easy to …Read More

A Prayer for National Adoption Month

November 30, 2015 National Adoption Month, Orphan Sunday, protecting their story, Rebecca 2 Comments

How long must I wrestle with my thoughts…? – Psalm 13 Adoption awareness and orphan care have become a life’s work for us, a calling bigger than adding children to our family. It’s seeped into our faith, hearts, conversations, serving, friendships, and Instagram feeds. Though our first steps in were tentative, three adoptions later, we …Read More

Orphan Sunday: An Answer to Prayer

November 29, 2015 Amy A., orphan ministry, Orphan Sunday, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

Thanksgiving was just a few days ago, and I find myself reflecting on all that I am grateful for this year. I filled my belly with turkey, Mama’s dressing, corn pudding, and pies while sitting around a table with some of the people I love most. I celebrated the presence of my new son and …Read More

Five Ways to Send Love This Christmas

November 13, 2015 Christmas, Hannah, LWB, New Day Foster Home, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

One of my most vivid memories from childhood Christmases was the year my parents took us kiddos to the store to buy clothes and toiletries to donate to a local homeless shelter. We shopped as a family, gave as a family, and in the course of a few hours one Saturday afternoon, my brothers and …Read More

Three Ways the Church Can Support Adoptive Families

October 25, 2015 a father's perspective, October 2015 Feature - It Takes a Village, orphan ministry, Randall, supporting adoptive families 7 Comments

A MOST NEEDED ASSET According to research data, of the tens of millions of families who have considered adoption, only 5% have walked the process through to completion. Certainly, there are a number of reasons for this. Psychology Today notes financial burden, obstacles, legal red tape, and emotional turmoil as the leading deterrents in completing …Read More

Ayi for a Day: {50 for 50 in 5 weeks}

September 1, 2015 Kelly, other ways to care for the orphan 4 Comments

They are oft overlooked much like the children they care for. They live in a place where what you do and how much you make is everything which means they have very little. Watching over and meeting the needs of children with no known roots is hardly considered a career; it’s a job. Some of …Read More

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The content found on the No Hands But Ours website is not approved, endorsed, curated or edited by medical professionals. Consult a doctor with expertise in the special needs of interest to you.