Dipping Our Toes in the Water: Beginning the Journey of Connections

February 21, 2018 Chinese Culture, Chinese Holidays, Chinese Language, February 2018 Feature - Honoring China in the Everyday 1 Comments

I cannot express how excited I was to see the “Honoring China in the Everyday” focus that No Hands But Ours had planned for this month. Not because we as a family have even begun to “arrive” in this department, but because our hearts yearn to raise citizens of the world who appreciate and revel …Read More

Guo Nian: Passing a Year

February 16, 2018 adoption community, Chinese Culture, Chinese food, Chinese Holidays, Chinese Language, Chinese New Year, February 2018 Feature - Honoring China in the Everyday 0 Comments

“Nian (Year) was a ferocious beast who would come out once every twelve moons, cause destruction and kill everything that crossed its path. However, Nian was afraid of the color red. So people put red strips of paper around their door frames so the destructive beast would pass over their house when it saw red …Read More

A Chinese Lady Who Helps With Adopted Chinese Kids

February 11, 2018 Chinese food, Chinese Holidays, Chinese Language, Chinese language tutor, February 2018 Feature - Honoring China in the Everyday 5 Comments

Hi everyone, my name is Joy Clendenning, I do not have any adopted children. You might be asking, why are you here then? Here is my story. I am from Xi’an, China and came to the United States in 2010. I met my husband in China while I was in college, he was a missionary. …Read More

Finding Mackenzie: The Chinese Tutor Who Makes Mandarin Magic in Our Home

February 8, 2018 Chinese Culture, Chinese Language, Chinese language tutor, February 2018 Feature - Honoring China in the Everyday 1 Comments

When we brought the boy we call Superman home from China four years ago, we had big dreams. We were going to maintain his language and his culture, and all of us were going to learn Mandarin, besides. At the time, our family lived in the Seattle-Tacoma area of the Pacific Northwest, where Asian churches …Read More

hanging on to language

December 13, 2014 Chinese Language, Hannah 4 Comments

Language. It’s not something that any of us can really ignore, is it? When my first two little sisters came home they weren’t even a year old, and so our words were not nearly as important as our tone… it didn’t matter that our Chinese was very non-existant. We taught some sign language to make …Read More

Language Lessons, Life Lessons, and One Unfortunate Pig

September 7, 2011 Chinese Language, Eileen, first year home 0 Comments

I knew, based on research, that XiXi would lose his ability to speak Mandarin. I knew that on a logical, cognitive level, but on a deeper level, I had a hard time really believing it. Or at least believing that it would happen as quickly as researchers said it would, 12 weeks. Twelve weeks to …Read More

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