The Nativity

December 11, 2016 adoption realities, Amy A., birth family, Christmas, telling their life story 2 Comments

Christmas. The word alone evokes so many memories, so many emotions from my childhood. Smells, tastes, laughter, and songs fill my mind, and the little girl inside me can feel the excitement and anticipation of Christmas drawing near. I can close my eyes and remember the sprinkles upon sprinkles being poured over sugar cookies doused …Read More

From School Psychologist to Adoptive Mama: A Series Part Two (Trust Based Relational Intervention)

November 11, 2016 Amy A., Attachment, attachment activities, attachment challenges, discipline, parent-to-child attachment, TBRI DVD Series, Trust Based Parenting 1 Comments

Because the majority of our NHBO readers are parents who have adopted children through the special needs program in China, part one of this series was an introduction to special education. My goal for that post was for parents to feel empowered by knowing their child’s rights. I shared links regarding the special education law …Read More

From School Psychologist to Adoptive Mama: A Series Part One (An Introduction to Special Education Law)

October 12, 2016 504 Plan, Amy A., early intervention, Education, IEP, pre-school, private school, public school, September 2016 Feature - Back to School 0 Comments

For as long as I can remember, I dreamt about the different careers I might have someday. For a long time, I wanted to be an artist. I loved to color, create, paint, and design, and I thought spending my life doing just that would be a dream come true. Then, as I fell in …Read More

Using Video Self-Modeling to Facilitate Connection

August 9, 2016 Amy A., Attachment, attachment activities 2 Comments

Before bringing our son home from China in October 2013, I worked as a school psychologist serving children, families, teachers, and administrators in the school setting. Although the majority of my work was completing special education evaluations, providing direct intervention services was one of my favorite parts about my job. While attending Indiana University for …Read More

Dear Younger Me, Love Wins

July 9, 2016 Amy A., Attachment, July 2016 Feature - Dear Younger Me, parent-to-child attachment 0 Comments

Dear younger me. Where do I start? I know your knees are shaking, but I am so proud to see you step forward totally devoted and with an obedient heart to say yes to adoption. Believe me when I say that this will be one of the best decisions you will ever make. The house …Read More

On This Mother’s Day

May 8, 2016 adoption realities, Amy A., Attachment 4 Comments

The second Sunday of May carries such incredible significance for women around our country. For many, Mother’s Day is a time of celebration – a time to sleep a few extra hours in morning and a time to receive breakfast in bed, gifts, hugs, kisses and words of appreciation. Church services celebrate mothers and their …Read More

Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes

April 9, 2016 Amy A., birth family, DNA and genetic testing 4 Comments

I’ll never forget the moment when I first saw each of my four sons. After 16 hours of labor, my doctor placed Noah on my chest, and I simply marveled at the beautiful gift I had just received. I delivered Liam in the water, and while holding his tiny, slippery body in my heads, I …Read More

This is Real Life

March 13, 2016 adoption realities, Amy A., Attachment, attachment activities, first weeks home, first year home 2 Comments

When my husband and I stepped across the chasm – our old life on one side and our new life on the other – we had no idea what awaited us. Three and a half years later, we have a better understanding of the world we entered after saying Yes to adoption. So, in honor …Read More

Looking Back | Looking Ahead

January 9, 2016 adopting again, Amy A., Orphan Sunday 9 Comments

Happy New Year, No Hands But Ours Readers! I don’t know about you, but the year’s end always leaves me a feeling a little reminiscent about the past yet excited about the future. This transition from 2015 to 2016 is no exception as I reflected on where our adoption journeys have taken us and where …Read More

Meet the Contributors: Amy

December 19, 2015 Amy A., Contributor Q and A, Meet the Contributors 0 Comments

Continuing today with our series in which we share a short Q and A with one of our contributors to give y’all, our faithful readers, a little more behind-the-scenes insight into the amazing group of writers assembled here. And it will also give each of our contributors a chance to share their heart in a …Read More

Orphan Sunday: An Answer to Prayer

November 29, 2015 Amy A., orphan ministry, Orphan Sunday, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

Thanksgiving was just a few days ago, and I find myself reflecting on all that I am grateful for this year. I filled my belly with turkey, Mama’s dressing, corn pudding, and pies while sitting around a table with some of the people I love most. I celebrated the presence of my new son and …Read More

It Takes a Village: A Letter to My Husband

October 9, 2015 Amy A., Dads, marriage, October 2015 Feature - It Takes a Village 4 Comments

Dear Ryan, When we began dating in college, I was barely 19 years old, and you were nearly 21. While dating, we spent a lot of time holding hands and dreaming about what our life might look like together. We talked about where we would live, what our careers might be, how many children to …Read More

Coming Home: Cocooning

September 9, 2015 Amy A., Attachment, China trip, cocooning, first weeks home, September 2015 Feature - Coming Home 4 Comments

You’ve made the exciting decision to adopt. Congratulations! At this stage, you are either waiting to be matched with a child, or you are longing to hold your son or daughter each time you see your child’s precious pictures. The adoption journey is two-fold. First, you paper chase and wait to bring your child home. …Read More


August 25, 2015 adoption realities, Amy A. 10 Comments

From the time I was a young girl, I always felt the Lord’s presence and His pursuit of my heart. However, I did not begin regularly attending church or consistently studying God’s word until a while after my husband and I got married. In the spring of 2007, we joined a “small group,” and every …Read More

Going to China: Visiting the Orphanage

July 9, 2015 Amy A., China trip, July/August 2015 Feature - Going to China!, orphanage realities 1 Comments

For the past 3 years, I have been a member of numerous Facebook groups specific to adoption. One question that arises time and time again is whether or not a family should visit their new child’s orphanage during their trip to China. This is an important question to ask, but because experiences vary greatly, everyone …Read More

The China Trip: a Tip a Day

July 1, 2015 Amy A., July/August 2015 Feature - Going to China!, travel tips 0 Comments

As much as I hate to see the end of our June feature, I can’t wait to begin our July/August Feature: Going to China! We will cover all things China-trip related: packing, traveling, gotcha day, orphanage care vs. foster care and setting realistic expectations. We’ll even have some fun Q and A posts from the NHBO contributor team. …Read More

Faith in Action: My Journey Through a Second Adoption

June 9, 2015 adopting again, Amy A., first weeks home 0 Comments

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been blogging every day on my personal blog, My Passionate Balance, about our trip to China to adopt our son, Tyson. This was my family’s second adoption from China in addition to our two biological sons. Now, I am the proud momma of four beautiful boys! How …Read More

Staying Present and Connected while Across the Ocean

April 7, 2015 adopting again, Amy A., Attachment, travel tips 2 Comments

When my husband and I left for China in October 2013, we left our two biological sons at home with their grandparents. We were very intentional in preparing them for our trip and took many steps to make the 17 days apart as comfortable as possible for them. Here we are, not even two years …Read More

Kingdom to the Chaos

March 9, 2015 adoption community, Amy A., orphan ministry 2 Comments

Exactly one year ago, I had the privilege of hearing Beth Guckenberger speak at Created For Care. While many things she shared became engraved in my heart, one of my favorites was her illustration of bringing the Kingdom to the Chaos. When God created the world, everything was good and in perfect peace. Then, Adam …Read More

Eyes Wide Open

February 9, 2015 Amy A., cl/cp, referral 0 Comments

For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed setting goals, creating organized plans, and executing those plans until my goal is achieved. I carry out most tasks as efficiently as possible and tend to think my ways are the best ways. If we have 3 errands to run, I find the most organized …Read More

connections and community

January 9, 2015 adoption community, Amy A. 0 Comments

Hello everyone! I feel so excited and honored to serve as a monthly contributor for No Hands But Ours. The NHBO team permeates passion while advocating and providing information, all for the sake of the least of these. I can’t imagine any place I would rather be than working alongside these men and women. Please …Read More

I’m Ready to Adopt, Now What? Getting Started

December 2, 2014 Agencies, Amy A., I'm Ready to Adopt 3 Comments

Welcome to our newest contributing blogger, Amy Abell. A few months ago, Amy shared a most helpful, well-laid out, easy-to-follow series on fundraising for adoption. So when we were planning a sharing about the “How To-s” of adoption, we asked her if she would share once more. And again, she managed to lay out a …Read More

four more ways to raise funds for your adoption

March 22, 2014 affording adoption, Amy A., fundraising for adoption 2 Comments

When I talk to most people, their number one roadblock to adoption is MONEY, and I am so thankful to be invited to share a second blog post about funding your adoption. You can read the first post with fundraiser ideas HERE. After becoming more and more involved in the adoption community, I have seen …Read More

22 ways to raise funds for your adoption

March 14, 2014 affording adoption, Amy A., fundraisers, fundraising for adoption 10 Comments

Hello! My name is Amy Abell, and I am so excited to have this opportunity to be a guest blogger for No Hands But Ours. I began blogging soon after I became pregnant with my first son, Noah, in 2007 and continued to blog when my second son, Liam, surprised us with a cleft lip …Read More

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