“He’s Our Son!”

June 7, 2019 fundraising for adoption 1 Comments

We recently had a chance to chat with Amy who is in process to bring home a little boy with a vision impairment. Read along and consider joining the adventure in helping to bring this little one home to his forever family! If you would like your family to be considered for a future post …Read More

A Kaleidoscope of Color and Culture

September 9, 2018 a father's perspective, adoptee perspective, adult adoptee, fundraisers, fundraising for adoption, other ways to care for the orphan, September 2018 Feature - Hearing From Adult Adoptees 3 Comments

Over many years, long before Erin and I were even married, God was weaving together a beautiful story, made possible through adoption. I was unexpectedly adopted from the Congo at just a few months old, as my biological mother died in child-birth with me. In the tribe I was born into, the cultural practice, if …Read More

MaeBeSew: Every Stitch Has Meaning

September 1, 2018 adoption community, fundraising for adoption, other ways to care for the orphan, Stefanie 0 Comments

The adoption community is an amazing thing. And at NHBO, we love it when we get an opportunity to spotlight someone in the community doing something especially amazing. I recently got the chance to interview someone who is not only part of the adoption community but who is also using her gifts and talents to …Read More

Affording Adoption: Demystifying the Adoption Loan

August 1, 2017 adoption loan, affording adoption, fundraising for adoption 1 Comments

Affording adoption can seem like a scary thing. I know of so many people that would love to consider adoption, but quickly respond that it costs too much money. I agree that it would be wonderful if adoption were free or much cheaper. However, agencies (both adoption and governmental) have to hire people to handle …Read More

Using Your Skills and Talents to Fundraise Successfully

January 23, 2017 fundraising for adoption, Kelley B. 0 Comments

Through fundraising for our adoption, I’ve met many determined adoptive mamas. I never tire of hearing others stories of adoption and how, despite seemingly impossible odds, God brought in the funds. When I meet other families that have fundraised I am always amazed and inspired. Each person puts their own spin, and uses their own …Read More

Meet the Author of “You Can Adopt Without Debt”

August 8, 2016 affording adoption, books, fundraisers, fundraising for adoption, guest post, pre-adoption, should we adopt? 0 Comments

“I’ve thought about adopting, but I could never afford it!” I think every adoptive family has either heard that comment, or maybe even thought it themselves at some point. It was those conversations — sometimes at church, sometimes in the grocery store — that led me to write “You Can Adopt Without Debt.” I’ve wanted …Read More

My 2¢ on Adoption Fundraising: Dealing With Negativity During the Adoption Process

June 6, 2016 fundraising for adoption, Guest Series, My .02 on Adoption Fundraising 1 Comments

Today is the last post in a fantastic five-post guest series by Laure Kline, who has so graciously shared all she knows about about adoption fundraising. Lack of funding can be the biggest roadblock for many prospective parents and it is our hope that this series will encourage, enlighten, and maybe even help a little …Read More

Adoption Fundraising: 18 Adoption T-Shirts!

June 3, 2016 2016 Featured Fundraising Families, fundraisers, fundraising for adoption, Kelley B. 1 Comments

Adoption t-shirts. Who doesn’t love a good t-shirt? Especially when it helps an adopting family get to their precious child! T-shirt fundraisers are always a fun and easy way to raise funds for your adoption. We did a few shirt sales for each of our adoptions and I love coming up with unique designs and …Read More

My 2¢ on Adoption Fundraising: Using Social Media

April 7, 2016 fundraising for adoption, Guest Series, My .02 on Adoption Fundraising 0 Comments

Today we continue with the fourth of five posts in a guest series by Laure Kline, who has been sharing everything she knows about adoption fundraising with us. We know that lack of funding can be the biggest roadblock to adoption and it is our hope that this series will encourage, enlighten, and maybe even …Read More

Encouragement for the Weary Fund-Raiser

April 2, 2016 fundraising for adoption, Kelley B. 3 Comments

Sometimes even when we try our hardest, things don’t work out like we think they are going to. This is so very true for adoption fundraising. I have been around the adoption community for a while now and have seen so many wonderful fundraisers bring in tons of money for a family, and then I …Read More

My 2¢ on Adoption Fundraising: Sales and Events

March 7, 2016 fundraisers, fundraising for adoption, Guest Series, My .02 on Adoption Fundraising 0 Comments

Today we continue with the third of five posts in a guest series by Laure Kline, who has been sharing everything she knows about adoption fundraising with us. We know that lack of funding can be the biggest roadblock to adoption and it is our hope that this series will encourage, enlighten, and maybe even …Read More

Known By Heart: Bringing Home Magnolia

March 1, 2016 fundraisers, fundraising for adoption, Stefanie 0 Comments

We believe in adoption fundraising here at No Hands But Ours, not only for our readers (who we feature regularly), but for those who are part of the NHBO family. We recently asked Stefanie, the founder of No Hands But Ours, a few questions as she and her family approach the final days in their …Read More

Adoption Fundraising: 11 Successful Fundraiser Ideas

February 22, 2016 fundraisers, fundraising for adoption, Kelley B. 3 Comments

My first post in this series dealt with the spiritual aspect of fundraising. In this post I am just going to lay out what I learned from our fundraising adventures: which fundraisers worked for us, which didn’t, and some tips and tricks to get the most out of all your hard work. I want to …Read More

My 2¢ on Adoption Fundraising: Applying for Grants

February 11, 2016 fundraising for adoption, Guest Series, My .02 on Adoption Fundraising 2 Comments

Today we continue with the second of five posts in a guest series by Laure Kline, who will be sharing everything she knows about adoption fundraising with us! We know that many potential adoptive parents say that lack of funding is the biggest roadblock to adoption and it is our hope that this series will …Read More

A Spiritual Approach to Adoption Fundraising

January 21, 2016 fundraisers, fundraising for adoption, Kelley B. 3 Comments

If you would have told me five years ago that I would have been fundraising an entire adoption I would have told you you were crazy. But that is exactly the path the Lord had for us. This time last year, we had just adopted two children from China in less than 18 months and …Read More

My 2¢ on Adoption Fundraising: Writing a Fundraising Letter

January 7, 2016 fundraising for adoption, Guest Series, My .02 on Adoption Fundraising 1 Comments

Today we are excited to share the first of 5 posts in a once-a-month guest series by Laure Kline, who will be sharing everything she knows about adoption fundraising with us! We know that many potential adoptive parents say that lack of funding is the biggest roadblock to adoption and it is our hope that …Read More

July Fundraising Family: Meet The Melendezes

July 8, 2015 2015 Featured Fundraising Families, fundraisers, fundraising for adoption 0 Comments

No Hands But Ours is committed to encouraging, informing and supporting families as they pursue adoption through the special needs program in China. In an effort to be more purposeful in supporting in-process families as they stretch financially to adopt, we are now featuring one fundraising family per month. If you would like your family …Read More

June Fundraising Family: Meet the Saunders

June 19, 2015 2015 Featured Fundraising Families, fundraisers, fundraising for adoption 0 Comments

No Hands But Ours is committed to encouraging, informing and supporting families as they pursue adoption through the special needs program in China. In an effort to be more purposeful in supporting in-process families as they stretch financially to adopt, we are now featuring one fundraising family per month. If you would like your family …Read More

May Fundraising Family: Meet the Berrys

May 20, 2015 2015 Featured Fundraising Families, fundraisers, fundraising for adoption 0 Comments

No Hands But Ours is committed to encouraging, informing and supporting families as they pursue adoption through the special needs program in China. In an effort to be more purposeful in supporting in-process families as they stretch financially to adopt, we are now featuring one fundraising family per month. If you would like your family …Read More

40 fundraising families. And a challenge for you.

December 20, 2014 affording adoption, fundraisers, fundraising for adoption, Kristi, Stefanie, the little light project 1 Comments

Last week we shared the organizations working on behalf of the fatherless in China. 19 incredible organizations that I hope you’ve had a chance to read about and consider how you might partner with one. Today we are featuring fundraising families. 40 of them. Whew. The too-many-to-count hours spent compiling and formatting the information for …Read More

the little light project – adoption fundraisers

December 10, 2014 fundraising for adoption, Stefanie, the little light project 0 Comments

Last week Rebecca shared about the little light project, our effort here at No Hands But Ours to shine a light on those working on behalf of the fatherless in China. We asked for your help in finding organizations to feature in an upcoming post – and the response was fantastic. Thank you. We are …Read More

four more ways to raise funds for your adoption

March 22, 2014 affording adoption, Amy A., fundraising for adoption 2 Comments

When I talk to most people, their number one roadblock to adoption is MONEY, and I am so thankful to be invited to share a second blog post about funding your adoption. You can read the first post with fundraiser ideas HERE. After becoming more and more involved in the adoption community, I have seen …Read More

22 ways to raise funds for your adoption

March 14, 2014 affording adoption, Amy A., fundraisers, fundraising for adoption 10 Comments

Hello! My name is Amy Abell, and I am so excited to have this opportunity to be a guest blogger for No Hands But Ours. I began blogging soon after I became pregnant with my first son, Noah, in 2007 and continued to blog when my second son, Liam, surprised us with a cleft lip …Read More

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