Year End Giving: Our Favorites

December 22, 2016 Beyond Adoption, Contributor Q and A, Half the Sky, International China Concern, Little Hearts Medical, LWB, Morning Star Foster Home, New Day Foster Home, NGOs, other ways to care for the orphan, Show Hope, Stefanie 0 Comments

We are pretty passionate about orphan care around here. And we love to help others find avenues for their similarly burdened hearts to care for the fatherless as well as encourage family preservation. Recently, our team was discussing our favorite orphan-and-adoption-related charities. And then we thought of you, our readers, and how good it would …Read More

Beyond Adoption: An Interview with Karen Brenneman from New Day Foster Home

October 1, 2016 Beyond Adoption, Chris, New Day Foster Home, NGOs, other ways to care for the orphan 2 Comments

Here at No Hands But Ours, we are passionate about the Fatherless; the orphaned, the child who so desperately needs a family. And so we advocate, we encourage, we inform, we love. We also know that many of our readers are as passionate and want to support and love on children who need families… some …Read More

Sign Language and Adoption: An Interview with New Day

August 2, 2016 ASL, August 2016 Feature - SIgn Language and Adoption, New Day Foster Home, NGOs, sign language, Stefanie 1 Comments

You might think that sign language is only for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. We’d like to encourage you to reconsider. Signing is an incredibly valuable tool in ANY adoptive parent’s tool belt. It makes communicating with your newly adopted child exponentially easier – no matter their age or special need. And …Read More

Five Ways to Send Love This Christmas

November 13, 2015 Christmas, Hannah, LWB, New Day Foster Home, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

One of my most vivid memories from childhood Christmases was the year my parents took us kiddos to the store to buy clothes and toiletries to donate to a local homeless shelter. We shopped as a family, gave as a family, and in the course of a few hours one Saturday afternoon, my brothers and …Read More

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