Artyom and Chrissie

May 5, 2010 DonnaT 2 Comments

For almost a whole month, I’ve been thinking about 7 year old Artyom who was sent back to Moscow on a one way, nonstop flight with a note pinned to his coat that explained that his adoptive mom no longer wished to parent him. I’m not going to go into how I feel about what …Read More

"How much did they sell her for?"

April 5, 2010 DonnaT 9 Comments

I originally posted this on my blog one month after returning home from China with our first daughter – almost 5 years ago. We’ve heard a few variations of this question over the years and even though we get better at answering the questions, we never really get used to them. +++ I went to …Read More

No hands but mine?

March 5, 2010 Attachment, DonnaT 5 Comments

This summer will mark the 5th and 4th anniversaries of our girls adoptions and, as of this writing, I’ve never spent one single night away from them. Okay, that’s not entirely true. I did spend the night at the hospital with Maddy when she had her surgery and Gwen stayed home with Daddy. It wasn’t …Read More

Fitting In

February 5, 2010 DonnaT 4 Comments

You probably think I’m going to tell you that my adopted Chinese daughters are represented by that lonely red flower but if you guessed that, you’re wrong. My girls are actually better represented by the two lovely yellow ones (no pun intended) in the upper left. Can you spot them? One is taller than the …Read More

I miss my Foster Family…

January 6, 2010 DonnaT 16 Comments

My oldest daughter is a tomboy but you’d never know it by looking at this photo. She loves to pose for me and she’s always full of surprises. Last week, she was keeping me company in the master bathroom while I was putting on my makeup and doing my hair when her face suddenly got …Read More

Virtual Twins (Artificial Twinning)

December 5, 2009 Attachment, cl/cp, DonnaT, virtual twinning 9 Comments

Six months after we came home from China with our first daughter (Gwen), someone on our Agency’s message board announced their 2nd referral: A cute baby with a beaming smile and a very minor cleft palate. A few days later, they updated to say that they’d refused the referral because she was only 2 weeks …Read More

1 out of 1361

November 3, 2009 cl/cp, DonnaT 6 Comments

One thousand three hundred and sixty-one days ago, we saw our our daughter, Madeline, for the very first time. She was a grainy image on a fax we’d received from our agency and we were only seeing her photo this early because she was “special need”. Five months earlier, we’d adopted a NSN baby girl …Read More

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