Restored Hope

October 25, 2010 Chinese Culture, guest post, Katherine, orphanage realities 0 Comments

Guest contributor Katherine is back this month. She is currently working as a teacher in China, and also has the unique opportunity to spend time volunteering at a local orphanage. Katherine blogs over at Life of a Pilgrim and, though not an adoptive mother, she has invaluable (and profound) insights into life in China. I’m going …Read More


July 6, 2010 Chinese Culture, guest post, Katherine 2 Comments

Our newest guest contributor is Katherine, who is currently living and teaching in China. She also has the unique opportunity to spend time volunteering at a local orphanage. Katherine blogs over at Life of a Pilgrimand although she is not an adoptive mother, she has a unique perspective and invaluable insights into life in China. I’m …Read More

stepping out

June 15, 2010 Chinese Culture, guest post, Katherine 6 Comments

Our newest guest contributor is Katherine, who is currently living and teaching in China. She also has the unique opportunity to spend time volunteering at a local orphanage. Katherine blogs over at Life of a Pilgrim and although she is not an adoptive mother, she has a unique perspective and invaluable insights into life in …Read More

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