Waiting Children: Holden and Arlo
Holden || 3 years old || CL/CP Arlo || 5 years old || Down syndrome
5 Waiting Children from Bethel China
Josh, Kyle, Daisy, Shirley, Kenny || Blind or Vision Impairment
5 Waiting Children from Bethel China
Richard, Rupert, James, Taylor, Emma || Blind or Vision Impairment
“I hope you can help me find a family soon…”
W_____ || 13 years old || Cerebral Palsy
find my family: Laina
Laina is a precious two year old little girl who is listed with BAAS. Her special need is cerebral palsy. Laina is a beautiful little girl! She responds to others asking for her belongings and waves goodbye to others. She is a good sleeper and likes playing with toys. Laini’s file reports that she is […]
Find My Family: Redford
Redford is a handsome boy, who is 11 years old, and on the agency list at Hawaii International Child! He came to the orphanage when he was around 2 years old. Redford was diagnosed with Thalassemia, and currently receives transfusions every 3 to 4 weeks. His development has been on target, and he is an […]
find my family: Jaxon
Jaxon was born in March 2014 and found abandoned in a Baby Safety Island for his institute. His birth family left a note with him saying he had Brittle Bone Disease. After admission it was noted that he had moderate malnutrition and Congenital Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI). When Jaxon was 8 months old he was treated […]
Find My Family: Mallory
Mallory is an adorable 11 year old girl who is newly listed with Madison Adoption Associates via an orphanage partnership. Mallory came into care as a baby and was showing delays at 8 months of age. Because of the delays, the orphanage had her get a CT scan. The CT scan showed low density shadows […]
Find My Family: Cam
Courageous Cam is 7 years old and is deaf and mute. Cam was found at 2 years old and upon admission was given a name that indicates loud and clear. Although he cannot talk the staff hoped he would learn to communicate. The staff observed that Cam could understand sign language and meaning through watching […]