Family Found

Waiting for You: Benjamin

January 20, 2018 0 Comments

Benjamin was born March of 2015, his smile is just about the cutest thing we have ever seen!

Benjamin is an optimist! Sunny Benjamin has an adorable giggle! As a favorite at the orphanage, the caregivers love to tease Benjamin to get him to smile and laugh. He loves the personal interactions. When he hears a familiar voice, he quickly turns to get their attention. Benjamin was born with deformities of all four limbs, and is listed as having arthrogryposis. Despite these differences, even as a baby he has been eager to reach for things, move on his own, and practicing his “talking” by babbling.

Are YOU ready to make Benjamin giggle? Benjamin is listed with Wide Horizons for Children and they have requested an update and we’re so excited to see what Benjamin has been up to lately. Families can qualify for a $7,500 WHFC subsidy; additional subsidies may be available through other adoption grant organizations. Please contact Jennifer Doane, China Program Manager at WHFC to learn more about this little treasure. You may also call WHFC at 1-781-419-0357.

Helena Waits for a Family

January 16, 2018 0 Comments

This beautiful little girl is Helena, is 7 years old and is listed with Holt International!

Helena has spina bifida, including sacrococcygeal meningocele and tethered cord. She is an active girl who can walk, stand on one foot, skip, and catch a ball. She can draw a person, tie her shoes and pick up a peanut with chopsticks. Helena is described as a talkative girl with a ready smile who speaks in sentences and has strong communication with others. She likes listening to music and playing with toys.

Please contact Holt Internaltional’s China Program to find out more about adopting Helena. She would be a priceless addition to any family!

Waiting for You: Abriana

December 28, 2017 0 Comments

Abriana is 2 years old (girl, born May 2015) and she is postoperative for congenital heart disease. This beautiful baby needs a family as soon as possible. Though she has had the Glenn procedure, she may need urgent care upon coming home. Families should be willing to medically expedite her adoption. Abriana is listed with CHI.

She was abandoned at about 1 year old. As a baby, Abriana already loved cuddles and would snuggle right up to her caregivers if someone unfamiliar was in the room. She would crawl over to where snacks were being given, open her mouth and say “Ahhhh,” then say “Mmmm!”

Abriana is timid around strangers, but she is very talkative with people she knows. She is described as smiley, and loves to play outside.

For more information about adoptoing Abriana, please email CHI Specialist Nina Thompson.

Waiting for You: Aubrey

November 22, 2017 2 Comments

Aubrey is a beautiful six-year-old girl, born with beta thalassemia major and a congenital heart defect (ASD). Aubrey is receiving transfusions, but likely not nearly as often as she needs. Aubrey will probably need frequent transfusions for her first couple of months home to help get her hemoglobin back up to a good number. From …Read More

Meet Charlene!

September 2, 2017 0 Comments

Charlene (Born August 2012) loves all kinds of games and toys: puzzles, building with blocks, listening to books, and hide-and-seek! She especially likes playing with her closest friend. She really enjoys being outside, whether it’s a quiet area of the village or a crowded street. Charlene is diagnosed with bilateral schizencephaly, a difference in her …Read More

Waiting to be Chosen: Hedley

July 1, 2017 0 Comments

This is a special post for me to write. It’s special because, even thought I don’t personally know this child, I have personally met her foster mama and know what great care she’s getting. I know how loved on she is while she waits for her forever mama to see her. You see, this precious …Read More

Waiting for You: Shaw

April 22, 2017 2 Comments

Shaw is a precious three year old boy who waits for a family of his own. He is currently listed with WACAP with a $2,000 grant. He needs someone to help him put a smile on his sweet little face. Shaw’s primary special is transfusion dependent thalassemia. He also has some cardiac issues which may …Read More

Waiting to be Chosen: Libby

April 20, 2017 0 Comments

Libby (born January 2015) is a cheerful little girl who loves to play outside in the sun, and go to the supermarket. She laughs out loud when amused, and loves listening to music; she has learned how to twist the volume on the radio. She is currently listed with WACAP. In March 2016 she was …Read More

Waiting to be Chosen: Nani

March 30, 2017 6 Comments

It took waaaay too long, but adorable Nani’s file is finally complete. She is ready for her family to find her and bring her home! Nani is 5 years old and designated to Children’s House International. Nani is talkative and likes to listen to music. She loves to sing! She likes to play games with …Read More

Joshua Waits

March 28, 2017 2 Comments

Joshua is a precious 5 year old who is waiting for a family of his very own. Joshua has round head and face, ready to smile and clever. He is active, restless and extroverted. At the age of 1year, he can not speak much, can express his happy and angry with smiling and crying, can …Read More

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