Fei Yan

December 10, 2008 Family Stories, heart defect, HepB+ 0 Comments

By anonymous, mom to Fei Yan from China with a heart defect (VSD) and Hep B+

When we began the adoption process we were pursuing a healthy child. God had other plans and soon opened our hearts to the children on the waiting child list. We filled out a form with our agency in April 2007 and were expected to receive a referral in six to eight months. During this time we were researching some of the needs that we were open to. I often had dreams of receiving a little girl with a heart defect. As I researched I came across Hep B+ and talked to our doctor and felt very comfortable with this need and called our agency to add this to our list. We waited for one year before the call would come on April 15, 2008 our lives were changed forever. Our agency called and said they had a little girl that was 10 months old and had two conditions Heart Defect (VSD) and Hep B+. I knew before I even looked at her file and photo that this was our daughter. We consulted our doctors and on the same day we accepted the referral.

We traveled in August to bring our daughter home and was seen at the Cardiologist two weeks and had a ultrasound of her heart. Her (VSD) hole in her heart has almost closed all the way and there will be no surgery. We will have follow-ups for every six months until age five. She did test positive for HepB+ and will be tested every six months. If you look at her there is no signs of this need and she may never show symptoms. Our doctor says that he thinks that there will be a cure someday and he has never had a child die from this. Our doctor made us feel so comfortable with this need that I would adopt another child with HepB+. I still think about what if we hadn’t researched and added HepB+ we would not have this little girl that fills our house with joy and laughter.

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