waiting child highlight: anal atresia

March 4, 2014 Family Found 0 Comments

Meet Elijah Update: My family has found me!


Elijah’s development seems to be right on target and he has recovered well from his surgery to correct anal atresia! He still needs to wear a diaper, which he changes himself, because he is having leakage issues. He is diagnosed as post-operative anal atresia and has a deformed kidney.  He sure is cute! For more information contact Wasatch Adoptions. Grant funding in the amount of $2500 is available for qualifying families. If you are working with an agency other than Wasatch, don’t lose heart. HIS FILE CAN BE TRANSFERRED to your agency! He was born January of 2010.

Meet Josephine


Adorable Josephine was found on September of 2008 near an overpass of a busy area in the city. According to Josephine’s physical development, her date of birth was estimated to be November of 2007. Upon admission, a physical examination was performed and found that Josephine has anal atresia, postoperative rectovaginal fistula, upper arm of left hand dysplasia and mild heart condition. On June of 2010, Josephine received surgery to repair rectofistula and correct her anal atresia condition. Josephine recovered well after the surgery, though she still has trouble going to the bathroom on her own. Josephine’s most recent report states that her mental development is normal, and she is doing well. She is becoming more independent and can change her diaper by herself most of the time. Josephine can count from one to ten and she knows some simple children’s songs. She likes to communicate with others, and has a contagious smile. Josephine likes to listen to music; she likes dancing and drawing. Josephine is a happy girl, and needs a family that is able to provide the medical and therapeutic resources she may need. This precious girl is designated to Holt International, contact them for more information or to view her file.

Meet Timmy Update: My family has found me!


Sweet Timmy is seven-year-old boy is described as a little shy and he gets along very well with his peers in class. He attends school and his report indicates that he is loved by both the teachers and his friends. He is able to express himself well and can communicate with others. In March 2006, he had a surgery to repair his anal atresia. He is in good health and uses a paper diaper to assist in bowel control which he is able to look after himself. In a recent report, “X-H” is described as lovely, social and outgoing. He can speak in full sentences, does well in school, enjoys watching TV and playing games. He does well in Math and English subjects at school. Watch this current video on “X-H”! Please refer to ID number 213-18SF for more information. Eligible families may qualify for a grant through LSS/CH and Brittany’s Hope Foundation. Timmy is currently listed through Children’s Home Society of Minnesota, contact them for more information.

Contact the Advocacy Team for more information on beginning the adoption process.

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