My Baby Tells Her Story

July 7, 2010 Eileen, HepB+, video 23 Comments

It’s been less than six months since my daughter finished her year-long treatment with interferon.  The needles, the sharps container, the smell of the alcohol wipes, that whole experience has quickly become a distant memory.  At age four, it’s doubtful that my daughter will remember anything about it into adulthood.  That’s wonderful, but at the same time, I want her to remember.  I want her to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she’s always been a fighter.  She’s always had courage beyond her years.

I didn’t want to rely just on my telling of the story.  I hoped to preserve something that would capture her, the girl she is right now with the scratchy little voice who could talk about such big things.

We stand in awe of her amazing result, but just as amazing, just as awe-inspiring, is her tenacious spirit.  We feel so blessed to call her our daughter.

23 responses to “My Baby Tells Her Story”

  1. Lillie's Mom says:

    Oh my! She is so precious! What a wonderful testimony in her own words. 🙂 Hearing her sweet little voice describing such "big things" was a touching and joyful way to begin my day! Thanks for sharing this… And a big high-five to Maya for doing such a great job telling her story!

  2. Kim says:

    Maya, what a brave girl! Thank you for sharing your story with us. God is so GOOD!

  3. Shonni says:

    That is one of the most precious things I have ever seen!!!

  4. Hartley says:

    That brought me to tears — what a beautiful and strong little girl you have! She is very lucky to have such a great mom! 🙂


  5. Michal says:

    Little brave Maya. I am now completely and utterly under your spell. You are truly a miracle, a fighter- your Mommy and Daddy are just the luckiest ever to have you. You did such a great job telling your story!
    I am glad that I learned what it was like for you to get your Interferon- I will be sure to always think of that and what a brave girl you were.

  6. The Straight's says:

    OH my goodness!! What an AWESOME video you have made. Maya is one true miracle 🙂

    Really enjoyed this and of course cried some happy tears. Thanks for sharing. Spread this video like crazy to all the agencies out there helping bring home SN kiddos!! Seriously send it out 🙂

  7. Ladybugs' Mom says:

    Oh my goodness!! What a sweetheart!! I remember your story and it's great to hear it directly from Maya. She seems like a very smart and verbal little girl! What a blessing!

  8. Vicki says:

    Eileen! What a wonderful video and what a brave little girl and a brave and strong Mommy!

  9. Amy says:

    What a sweet, brave, DARLING little girl. We are at the very beginning of your journey (scheduling the liver biopsy at Seattle Children's) Thanks for sharing.


  10. Eileen says:


    I can guarantee that your little girl will be well taken care of at Seattle Children's! They're wonderful.


  11. Stefanie says:

    Positively precious! Your girl is something else… seriously!!
    This video is going to change hearts and encourage families everywhere!!

  12. mamatree says:

    WOW, WOW, WOW!!! That is just so beautiful! Beyond…no words. I can't think of the right words that capture her story. You are right. She is such s fighter. I feel the same way about my little guy. I don't want him to forget what he's been through because he is a fighter, too. Thank you so much for sharing this. So much BEAUTY in this!!!

  13. Sandy says:

    I am already in love with Maya! What a precious little girl. Thank you so much for sharing, Maya. And I can't wait to share Maya's story with others.

  14. one thankfulmom says:

    That is just about the sweetest, most touching thing I've ever seen. My kids watched it with me and we were laughing and crying. My doctor daughter is going to share it with her classmates. Just beautiful.


  15. Dianne says:

    Amy, that melts my heart! Especially hearing it in her sweet words and darling voice. Thanks for sharing, she went through so much but what a survivor and little firecracker. What a blessing to your family, her and Sage will always have that special thing in common. So happy for the wonderful, miraculous outcome!


  16. recoveryagent2 says:

    We are so blessed to have these precious children. Congratulations Maya! Praying your story will bring more children home. Fantastic video with an even greater narrator 🙂

  17. The Raudenbush Family says:

    What an amazing video, an amazing girl, and an amazing story. I love her sweet voice, telling her own story. Thanks so much for sharing this — it will bless many people no doubt.
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  18. KT says:

    I LOVE this video!

  19. LedaP says:

    Wow, that is amazing!! What in incredible little girl.

  20. Anonymous says:


    Hi. Maya's video is amazing!! Could you e-mail me offline? ( Thanks so much!


  21. Ellie says:

    Oh your Maya is so inspiring! I loved loved loved this adorable video of her with her scratchy voice telling her story 🙂

  22. adventures north says:

    I'm mom to 2 survivors, too…and wow, you captured so much in this video. Tell your Maya she's added to my personal list of heroes!

  23. Goosegirl says:

    Oh my goodness that was so amazing!! Maya is an amazing girl!

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