China’s Waiting Children

November 12, 2012 china's waiting children 1 Comments

Compiled by Nancy to help families looking to grow their families by adoption from China’s waiting child program.

Advocate for Waiting Children (Yahoo group – will need to join group – shared list kept in “files” section)
Click here to be taken to group.

AAC (Adoption agency)
Click here to request a password to view waiting children.

America World Adoption (Adoption agency – will need to fill out a free pre-application to get password)
Click here to submit a request for a password to view children.

BAAS  (Adoption agency – will need a password)
Click here to be taken to agency’s individual lists.

Bringing Hope to Children (Adoption agency – will need to register to get a user name and password)
Click here to be taken to log-in.

CCAI  (Adoption agency)
Click here to be agency’s individual photo gallery.

Children’s Hope International (Adoption agency)
Click here to view China waiting children.

Children’s House International  (Adoption agency)
Click here to request password to view profiles.

Great Wall China Adoption (Adoption agency, will need to create profile to get password)
Click here to gain access to agency’s individual list.

Heartsent (Adoption agency)
Click here to view China waiting children.

Holt International (Adoption agency)
Click here to be taken to agency’s individual photolisting.

Lifeline  (Adoption Agency)
Click here to be taken to agency’s individual special focus list.

Lily Project  (Advocacy website)
Click here to see the children being advocated for.

Madison Adoption Associates (Adoption agency)
Click here to be directed to agency’s waiting children page.

Precious Child (Adoption website)
Click here to be taken to photolisting.

Rainbow Kids (Advocacy website – must register first)
Click here to be taken to photolisting.

WACAP (Adoption agency, – will need to request a password)
Click here to request a password for individual agency list.

Waiting Children China (Yahoo group – will need Yahoo to join group)
Click here to be taken to group.

Wide Horizons for Children (Adoption agency – will need to submit a short online application)
Click here to fill out short application and view agency individual list.

Please help keep this list current. If any of the following links are no longer active or accurate, or if you would like to recommend an additional source, please let us know.

One response to “China’s Waiting Children”

  1. nancy says:

    So glad it helps! Ya… I know what you mean about how you “just have to look!”

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