find my family: Devin

December 14, 2014 Family Found 1 Comments

Beautiful Devin will be turning five next month. She is newly designated to Madison Adoption Associates. She has a $1,000 special focus grant. Other grants may be available based on the adoptive family circumstances. Grants are awarded as agency fee reductions. Devin is diagnosed with post-op congenital heart disease- VSD and she is profoundly deaf. Having a daughter who is profoundly deaf and adopted from China and another one on the way, Devin holds a special place in my heart. Devin came into care when she was five months old. She was found holding a picture with her birth date written on the back. heart emoticon


From someone who met her and spent quality time with her: Devin is just full of personality. She likes to play with blocks and loved the fruit snacks we brought. She has a sweet tooth. Devin is compassionate to the children in her room. When she sees someone who is crying, she will go over and pat them. She tries to comfort them. She is attached to her caregivers and likes to be with her favorite caregiver. Devin enjoys being held and hugged. She seemed to understand what we were asking her to do. She followed our gestural communication. She was able to sit on the floor and play then get up and walk and run too! Devin also scribbled on the paper as we encouraged her to do.

Devin’s file states that she has a good appetite and that her favorite foods are cookies and candy. She has a pair of watery eyes and she is a lovely girl. She is shy and a little bit timid. She is nervous with strangers, but will open up slowly. She likes playing with blocks and watching tv. Though she can’t hear it, she seems to understand what is going on. Devin was sent to live with a foster family on Sept. 15th, 2011, but due to her hearing loss, they brought her back to live in the orphanage on April 18th, 2012. When Devin came back into the care of the orphanage, she started receiving cognitive rehabilitation training twice a week, one hour each time. She is still receiving this training.

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What Devin really needs is a loving family of her own who signs and who can teach her sign language so she has a way to communicate with other people. The language training she is receiving won’t help her much because she can’t hear. Anyone would be frustrated, crabby, and stubborn in an environment like that with no way to communicate with others. And the medication- that is not necessary and could potentially be causing other problems. I personally view her stubbornness in a positive light because it shows she has not given up- she is a fighter. This girl will grow and change by leaps and bounds once in a family and once learning a language of her own! Take my word for it…I’ve witnessed the miracle of a child who had no language transform into a smart, beautiful, confident little girl who is ready to take on the world! I don’t often feel like people adopting are saving children, but in this case, I do feel like a family who adopts Devin will be saving her in so many ways. She needs out!

If you would like to review Devin’s file, please go here.

If you are interested in adopting Devin, please fill out a free PAP Waiting Child Review Form.

One response to “find my family: Devin”

  1. Catherine DeLaney says:

    We are just starting are process to adopt. We are very interested in this sweet girl.Can you please contact us?

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