Get Involved

May 4, 2015 get involved, Mentoring Moms, Stefanie, volunteer 0 Comments

So excited to announce our new Get Involved page here on No Hands But Ours. As we continue to grow, we are recognizing more ways for additional mama and babas to get involved in what we do here at NHBO.


Our Get Involved page is a starting place for just about anything you’d like to do to get involved. Below you’ll find some buttons – just taken directly from that page – and, when clicked, each will take you to appropriate next steps. If you are looking for the Get Involved page again in the future, you can find it in the navigation bar under “About”.

Here is a quick overview of each…

Ready to Travel: In our What We’re Reading posts (back by popular demand, thanks to Liberty) we share links to traveling families. If you’ll be going to China soon to bring your little one home, please share your information with us so we can share your joy in a future WWR post.

Become a Volunteer: We have lots of ways you can help out here at NHBO. We wouldn’t exist without all the time and energy volunteered by special needs parents, and if you’ve got a passion for the fatherless, have some time to spare and are gifted in one of the areas listed below, please consider how you might join the NHBO team!

We are looking for some special people who would like to:

– gather content for NHBO (SN and resource pages)
– format content for NHBO (blog posts, etc)
– edit photos for NHBO
– offer my photos to be used on NHBO
– be a Mentoring Mom
– use my knowledge/experience of Special Needs somehow, but not as a Mentoring Mom
– be a regular contributor
– be a guest poster
– help manage social media for NHBO
– share my family bloglink to be used as an NHBO resource

Recommended Reading: There is a plethora of great reading around the blog-o-sphere. If you’re a regular reader of things that pertain to special needs, adoption, and/or China, please consider sharing the good stuff with us so we can share it here with everyone else in our WWR posts! We have a short form (you really just need to input the url of the article) to complete, and leave the rest up to us!

Connect with a Mentoring Mom: Have a question about a specific special need? Want some real-life advice from a mom who has been parenting a special need for awhile? We have set up the Mentoring Mom program to be a way to connect experienced moms with new moms and/or moms considering adopting a child with a specific special need. This program in no way substitutes for professional medical advice, but it can be a great support and encouragement to connect someone who has walked the road before.

Fundraising Family: We have a heart for fundraising families around here. Probably because many of us have been there. So we are going to feature one family per month here on NHBO. We will share a post about that family, some bits of their story as well as how the NHBO community can come alongside to help bring their child home. Families must be adopting from China and have a completed homestudy.

Submit your Family Story: Family stories are the heart of NHBO. We have been sharing family stories since NHBO began, almost 8 years ago, with 148 published stories. I can’t tell you how many emails I’ve received from readers who were blessed, encouraged and oh-so-thankful for another mom or dad who sat down and took the time to write their story. And, based on our recent Reader Survey, Family Stories are an absolute favorite. No length limit and anonymous posts for more private special needs are a-okay.




So grateful to each and every person who has given of their time, energy and wisdom to make No Hands But Ours the resource it is today. If you would like to join our efforts on behalf of the fatherless, we would be so happy to have you.

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The content found on the No Hands But Ours website is not approved, endorsed, curated or edited by medical professionals. Consult a doctor with expertise in the special needs of interest to you.