Find My Family: Mia

September 8, 2016 Family Found 0 Comments

Recently turned two-year-old Mia is an absolute doll! Mia has Down syndrome. She can make a few sounds and she understands some of what she is hearing or being told. Mia was moved from her orphanage to an experienced foster home in November of 2015. There she is being spoiled by her foster father who is gentle, loving, and quiet. Her foster mother is helping her to learn boundaries and is, no doubt, feeding her well. She is making huge progress under their care!

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Mia is very happy when she sees her foster mother carrying a bowl of food- she waves her hands as if she is dancing. At the time her file was written, she was walking by holding onto objects and could stand for awhile without support. She likes to imitate her foster mother when she takes a tissue or throws away the trash. There is no doubt that part of this child’s personality will resemble this loving and animated woman. Mia is able to distinguish between big and small. When her foster mother washes two apples and puts them on the table, she will choose the big one every time. Mia also has a foster brother who she loves to chase. She sometimes bites in a playful way and can be a bit rough with her toys. She also likes to play with her foster father. If he is playing the computer, she will crawl to him and quietly sit beside him while he’s playing. She will likely have part of his gentle and quiet personality as well. Mia loves to giggle loudly when teased by adults. She enjoys sleeping, playing with her foster family, playing outside, and eating. Her favorite foods are apples and congee.

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Mia is newly listed with Madison Adoption Associates via an orphanage partnership. There is a $1,000 agency grant with Madison Adoption Associates for Mia’s adoption. Other grants may be available based on the adoptive family’s circumstances. Agency grants are awarded as agency fee reductions. MAA also partners with the Brittany’s Hope Foundation for matching grants, which are given out twice a year and to families that already have their letter of approval from China.

If you are interested in reviewing Mia’s file or in adopting Mia, please fill out a free PAP Waiting Child Review Form.

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