Cameron is 5 years old and is described as extroverted and positive. His file is designated to ATWA.
He’s active and outgoing, enough so that he sleeps well! He sounds like a fun loving kid who likes playing balls, drawing, singing, dancing and playing games with kids. He likes helping the caretakers do what he can, such as cleaning, clearing the table, holding things. He has great self care skills and is close to the other kids in his orphanage. His intelligence is normal and he’s smart.
He is diagnosed with Type A Hemophilia so he doesn’t go to school (for safety with bleeding), but is taught by the special education teacher. His file states several times that he is receiving excellent care for his Hemophilia.
For more information and to see a video of happy Cameron, please contact Samantha Harris at ATWA.
He is beyond cuteness… Oh how I wish I could.
How can I apply to adopt?
Hi, Suzie.. I’m not an adoptive Mom but know enough about international adoption (mostly Chinese special needs) to say that it’s not as simple as “applying”. Check out reputable agencies – you can do almost all the research from your computer. They will answer all your questions, but NHBO covers myriad subjects about the medical/psychological aspects, etc.
May your journey be blessed.