Waiting Child Highlight: Evan

February 24, 2017 Family Found 1 Comments

This cutie is Evan.

Evan was estimated to be 4 years old when he was abandoned. He is now believed to be six, soon to turn seven. His abandonment was likely due to the high cost of blood transfusions, which he needs to treat his medical condition of Thalassemia. We are guessing that his family did this because they hoped that he would be adopted by a loving family that could provide him with the medical care he needs.

Evan is super smart and well behaved. He attends class in the orphanage with other children his age and gets along with them well. His teachers say that he follows directions and does well in class. He is also a tidy little boy, who likes to keep his things neat and organized. Some of his favorite things to do are playing outside, putting together puzzles, drawing and dancing.

Evan has a lot of potential and would likely thrive in a loving family. Watch his videos here: One and Two.

If you would like to review Evan’s file, please visit AAC website to learn about the program. If you have any questions or want to review Evan’s file please contact the China program director by email or by phone at 970-775-4683.

One response to “Waiting Child Highlight: Evan”

  1. Judy Deaton says:

    On Rainbow kids, and with his agency, it says he has a family! Yay!

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