Waiting for You: Shaw

April 22, 2017 Family Found 2 Comments

Shaw is a precious three year old boy who waits for a family of his own. He is currently listed with WACAP with a $2,000 grant. He needs someone to help him put a smile on his sweet little face.

Shaw’s primary special is transfusion dependent thalassemia. He also has some cardiac issues which may be related to the anemia he suffers from the thalassemia. He currently receives blood tranfusions every one to two months. He is described as having good mobility and excellent fine motor skills. He can follow instructions given to him by a caregiver, for example throwing away a piece of trash.

Like many children his age, Shaw prefers not to share his toys with other children. He enjoys building towers with blocks when he is playing and he really likes playing ball games. Shaw is speaking simple words and phrases. He knows what the different parts of his face are and he will point to them when his caretaker asks him to identify his nose, eyes, mouth, ears, etc. Shaw knows how to put his shoes on by himself. He gets upset when he doesn’t get enough cuddles from his caretakers. When Shaw goes to sleep at night he usually sucks on his fingers.

Please contact WACAP for more information on Shaw or to pursue his adoption.

2 responses to “Waiting for You: Shaw”

  1. Patrice says:

    Hi, I would like more info on Shaw please.

    Thank you,


  2. Brett Butler says:

    I’m so glad his family’s been found. God. That sad little face. Shoes on the wrong feet. (That may not sound like much but in a little orphan, it’s just another thing overlooked in their lives.)

    Thankful for every One Less on these pages, Stefanie.

    Bless you mighty.

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