Meet Charlene!

September 2, 2017 Family Found 0 Comments

Charlene (Born August 2012) loves all kinds of games and toys: puzzles, building with blocks, listening to books, and hide-and-seek! She especially likes playing with her closest friend. She really enjoys being outside, whether it’s a quiet area of the village or a crowded street.

Charlene is diagnosed with bilateral schizencephaly, a difference in her brain, but caregivers say it has little effect on her daily life. Her right leg is shorter so she limps, and her right hand is weaker, but she is able to pick up objects with either hand. When stringing beads she is very focused and uses each hand for different parts of the task; she will keep going until she finishes all the beads she is given!

As of October 2016, Charlene is able to walk, run, jump, and go up and down the stairs alone. She is still receiving rehabilitation training to help her development. Caregivers report she has delays in language and cognitive abilities; she can say simple words like “mama” and “eat,” but was not yet putting words together in phrases. However, they say they feel she is smart; before she was able to speak verbally she would communicate using facial expressions and sign language. She is able to feed herself with a spoon, drink from a straw, and brush her teeth. If someone offers to help her she refuses, she is confident she can things on her own!

Watch her video here in the Facebook Children Advocacy Group (You must be a group member to see the video).

Charlene is a beautiful girl and needs a family who believes in her like she believes in herself! WACAP is offering a $4,000 Promise Child Grant for qualified families. Email WACAP for more information!

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