Find My Family: Cam

February 10, 2016 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Courageous Cam is 7 years old and is deaf and mute.

Cam was found at 2 years old and upon admission was given a name that indicates loud and clear. Although he cannot talk the staff hoped he would learn to communicate. The staff observed that Cam could understand sign language and meaning through watching and observing. In July of 2014, Cam went to a rehabilitation center to receive training; where he was given listening, pronouncing and breathing training; although he could not hear, his comprehensive ability and observing ability were very good. Now he can understand what the teacher says through lip reading and he also can speak baba, mama, grandpa, grandma, glass, and good. With a hearing-aid, he can distinguish the sound of drum and gong, can distinguish animal voices imitated by the teacher, can recognize his name and imitate some simple motions such as blowing bubbles, yawning and smelling flowers.


Cam is the eldest in his class and he is like a big brother to the other children. He is very popular with other children, takes care of other children in daily life. Sometimes he will pour water for other children and distribute snacks to them! He is smart and sensible. Cam learns carefully and he can observe, analyze and understand by watching. He likes dancing very much; although he cannot hear music, but he can follow the rhythm. Cam never gives up and believes in himself!

Cam is designated to Heartsent, please contact them for more information.

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